Join The Change
About Vijay Goel
Vijay Goel is a dynamic reformer, grass root social worker, crusader of causes, and a product of the JP Movement who was jailed during Emergency, along with his father a former Speaker of Delhi Assembly Shri Charti Lal Goel.
From his college days, Goel was keen on uniting like-minded people for social causes. He formed the Bal Jagriti Sangh, Chandan Tarun Sansar, Lok Manch and the famous Lok Abhiyan which undertook many social changes and political activities.

Why Join Us
Vijay Goel is a dynamic reformer, grass root social worker, crusader of causes, and a product of the JP Movement who was jailed during Emergency, along with his father a former Speaker of Delhi Assembly Shri Charti Lal Goel.

Vision for Delhi
The national capital of a country like India should be a mix of our cultural heritage and world-class development — Virasat bhi, Vikas bhi as conceived by our PM Shri Narendra Modi.
My vision is that Delhi should be a city of opportunities where people realize their dreams, women feel safe to go out, kids enjoy their childhood, elderly citizens don’t feel vulnerable and all sections of society get equal opportunities.
Dog Menace
- Delhi Villages Delhi has 369 villages which, though called as Urban Villages but, continue to suffer from developmental inequalities. The basic infrastructure is in such a sorrow state that some villages
- Education empowers our children, making them strong enough to look after themselves in any given situation. A large role in delivering the education is played by our educational institutions
- Power is the basis of human lives and is used in almost everything we have. Hence it's vital in the interest of social development and welfare that power reaches to common citizens
- Water, though being one of the most precious resources on the earth, is availabile in limited amount. Hence it's necessary that due management of the water resources is taken for the existence of life.
- Healthcare The Delhi government being the major health service provider is responsible for the healthcare services in Delhi but due to lack of planning and vision of Delhi government
- Pollution According to a Greenpeace study, New Delhi is the most polluted capital city in the world. The PM 2.5 and PM 10 levels have crossed the emergency levels of 500ug/m3.
Stray Dog Menace Problem
Dogs are considered as man’s best friends. The relationship between man and dog is as old as our ancient epics. According to a legend, it was a dog who showed Yudhishthira, the Pandava King, the path to heaven. Historically speaking dog was the first animal to be domesticated by human beings. However, today, plenty of dogs fall under the category of ‘stray’. These ‘stray’ dogs have to face a lot of problems which include shrinking habitats, lack of proper shelter, food, etc. The Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1960 makes provisions for funding of shelters for ‘stray’ animals. Nevertheless, providing shelters to each and every ‘stray’ dog is still a distant dream. The rapid expansion of human settlement owing to overpopulation in the past few decades has posed further problems for these ‘strays’. It has enhanced the chances of clash between human beings and ‘stray’ dogs.
In the aforesaid context, in recent years we see a dramatic rise in instances of ‘stray’ dog-bites in India. According to an estimate, there are 6 crore 40 lakh stray dogs in the country, out of which around 8 lakh dogs are there in the capital city Delhi alone. Every year approximately 4 crore cases of dog-bites are being reported across the country. Out of these, nearly 20,000 people succumb to death due to rabies. This, according to the World Health Organisation (WHO), accounts for one-third of the global deaths due to rabies making India the rabies capital of the world. India, in fact, is lagging behind many smaller countries of South Asia such as Bhutan, Sri Lanka, etc. in tackling the spread of rabies. These facts and figures are enough to embody the seriousness of the issue. Our movement is to raise awareness against ‘stray’ dog-bites and to ensure amicable human-dog relationships.
We appeal to you to come and join us in this noble endeavour.