Vijay Goel

Chhat Puja to be declared public holiday when BJP comes to power

The Delhi BJP will declare “Chhat Puja” to be a public holiday and resolve issues and problems affecting Purvanchali population in the city within a fixed timeframe.  The party will also focus on providing them with affordable housing, ration cards, aadhar cards and ration cards immediately after it comes to power.

With more than 3 million Purvanchalis in the city, the party will give appropriate representation to them in the ticket distribution in the coming assembly polls. The BJP is well aware of the problems Purvanchalis faced and it is committed to resolve these issues. The BJP leaders slammed the Congress for ignoring problems of Purvanchali community during the last 15 years. They also announced that the BJP will set the new agenda for development Purvanchalis by holding 14 District Level Sammelans in coming days.

The party’s Purvanchal Morcha organised a massive and successful “Purvanchal Sammelan” earlier during the day at Mavlankar Hall in the heart of the city where thousands thronged the venue and vented their ire at the failure of Congress government. Addressing the Sammelan, former National President and Delhi election in-charge Shri Nitin Gadkari said, “The BJP will declare public holiday on the occasion of Chhat when it comes to power in Delhi. "Chhat is a Mahaparva. Despite the decade old demand of more than 40 lakh people from Purvanchal demanding declaration of public holiday on this day, Delhi government did not pay heed to this. Now, BJP promises you that we will declare Chhat a public holiday once our party comes to power."

He further said that the entire country is proud of the culture, language and history of the Purvanchal but they have been neglected and humiliated by the Congress government in Delhi for all these years. "Purvanchalis have contributed immensely in the dissemination of ideas and ideology of BJP across the country and party will always remain grateful to them for this. We are also aware of the humiliation and neglect that you have suffered at the hands of Delhi government in past 15 years. Time has come to avenge it. Make sure that not a single Purvanchali vote goes to Congress in the coming elections," said Sh. Gadkari.                      
Addressing the Sammelan, Delhi BJP President Shri Vijay Goel said, “Delhi's progress would not have been possible without hard work of Purvanchalis.  But the Delhi Chief Minister has attacked their dignity and honour by saying that they are responsible for the problems of Delhi. The Purvanchalis should give a befitting reply to the Congress government. "40 per cent of Delhi has no sewerage and majority of our Purvanchali brothers and sisters are living in horrid conditions in undeveloped colonies and villages," he added.

Speaking on the occasion, Sh. Navjot Singh Sidhu, MP and Delhi Election Co-Incharge said that even Ram returned to Ayodhya after 14 years of living in forest (vanvas) and it is high time that Purvanchalis too return to power after 15 years of Congress rule. "Even Hanumanji was reminded about his power. So let me tell you that dislodging this government is in your hands. You are the power in Delhi and your vote will decide the future 'King' of Delhi", said Sh. Sidhu.

Sh. R K Sinha , Delhi Election Co-Incharge  said, " The Purvanchalis should come out and work hard with the BJP as the party is committed to work for the welfare of Purvanchali community.”
Delhi BJP spokesperson Shri Aman Sinha said, “Inflation, poor public transport and lack of development in unauthorised colonies and JJ clusters has a most severe impact on migrant population in the city  which largely comprises of Purvanchali community. The Congress government has done nothing  for them during last 15 years.

Sh. Vijay Bhagat, President, Delhi BJP’s  Purvanchal Morcha  said,  "Let us pledge today that we will work with a mission to throw Congress out of Delhi and not rest until the job is done. We also need to pledge that we will not sell ourselves for few rupees or alcohol during the elections. We assure our leaders that they can take us for granted and are ready for any sacrifice for the party." Among others, the Sammelan was also attended by former Delhi BJP President Shri  Vijender Gupta, Smt Poonam Azad,  Shri Lal Bihar Tewari and Shri Anil Jha (MLA).

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