Vijay Goel

BJP slams DERC, alleges nexus with govt

The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) on Saturday accused the Delhi Electricity Regulatory Commission (DERC) of acting at the behest of the government. Addressing the media on Saturday, BJP president Vijay Goel, party member Anil Sood and Rajiv Kakaria of Chetna – a social organisation – claimed that the licence of power distribution companies should have been cancelled for flouting norms but DERC had not even bothered serving any notices to them so far.  

Vision for Delhi

My visions for Delhi stems from these inspiring words of Swami Vivekanada. I sincerely believe that Delhi has enough number of brave, bold men and women who can make it not only one of the best cities.

My vision for Delhi is that it should be a city of opportunities where people

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