Vijay Goel

BJP delegation to meet DERC to oppose move to hike power tariff

The Delhi Bharatiya Janata Party President Shri Vijay Goel today said that the BJP is opposed to the ongoing move to hike the power tariff in Delhi again. Shri Goel along with a delegation of the BJP leaders would soon meet the Delhi Electricity Regulatory Commission Chairman tin this regard. The BJP will oppose any such move tooth and nail, said Shri Goel.
Shri Goel also informed that the BJP is all geared up for “Run for Unity”  to be held on 15 December  on the 63rd death anniversary of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, the iron man of India who integrated 565 states. The Delhi BJP cadres will participate in large numbers in this event.
Meanwhile, on the issue of proposed power tariff hike Shri Goel said, “As a part of our positive agenda for development and good governance in Delhi, we have been in favour of reducing the power tariff by 30%. This what we promised in our manifesto also. The BJP strongly believes that it is time to go for a CAG audit of the accounts of discoms before allowing them even to move a proposal for any tariff hike.”
In the last two years there has been 72% hike in the power tariffs in Delhi which itself was unjustified. The BJP had opposed it but the Congress government allowed discoms to have this tariff hike affecting Delhi’ites severely. The people of Delhi gave a befitting reply to Congress in the recent assembly polls. As the Delhi BJP emerged as the first choice of voters, it is clear that they have approved of BJP’s demand of reduction in power tariff by 30%.
“But it seems the establishment of the day is still insisting on going for yet another tariff hike. 
The BJP will not accept this move and will oppose it. The party demands that instead of the power tariff hike, there should be roll back of the power tariff.”
Shri Goel said, “The Delhi residents have been tired of the misrule of Congress. Now when they have routed Congress, BJP will continue to pursue with its positive agenda for development. For BJP, interests of Delhi residents are of utmost importance and the party remains committed to reduction of power tariff in Delhi by 30 per cent.”

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My visions for Delhi stems from these inspiring words of Swami Vivekanada. I sincerely believe that Delhi has enough number of brave, bold men and women who can make it not only one of the best cities.

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