Vijay Goel

BJP delegation meets LG to demand arrest of Law minister, cases against Cong. Leaders in CWG scam

The Delhi Bharatiya Janata Party  today launched next phase of its agitation to demand removal and arrest of Delhi Law Minister Somnath Bharati for his ‘illegal activities’ and in view of a number of cases registered against him.  A BJP delegation led by Delhi BJP President Sh. Vijay Goel also met Liuetenant Governor today and handed over a memorandum demanding immediate action against Bharati. The delegation also handed over the evidence of Congress’ former CM Sheila Dikshit’s role in CWG scam. 
Delhi BJP President Sh. Vijay Goel said, “There have been cases filed against Somnath Bharati for violating dignity of women, revealing name of Danish woman who was a gangrape victim. He has been indicted by a court in the past for professional misconduct. The BBJP asked the LG why no action is being taken against him and why he has not been arrested so far?”
“The BJP is not satisfied with the attitude of the LG as he is treating Bharati as a “Khaas Aadmi.” Had any other citizen committed such terrible crimes, he would have been behind bars immediately. Then why is such special treatment meted out to him.”
The BJP’s 14 district units held  dharna today across the city to expose the ‘anti-women’ character of  AAP government and the prevailing state of anarchy . The party will continue with its agitation titled “Congress-AAP alliance, Raaj nahin arajakta, somnath bharati  should be arrested.”  Unless Bharati is sacked and arrested.
The BJP delegation also called off the bluff of Arvind Kejriwal who is defending and protecting corrupt leaders from the Congress. “Kejriwal had aksed he has no proof to act against former CM Sheila Dikshit and her ministers for their corrupt practices and loot of public money during Commonwealth games. A BJP committee headed by Ms Pinky Anand  has collated the evidence and we have handed  it over to the LG, said Sh. Goel.
The BJP delegation urged the LG to immediately order Delhi CM to initiate against Dikshit and former Congress ministers on the basis of this evidence. “It is the same Arvind  Kejriwal who was  claiming to have a 370 page chargesheet against Sheila Dikshit and now in lieu of the support from Congress to form his government , he has taken an about turn,” said Sh. Goel.
The BJP strongly feels that the way Somnath Bharati has been protected and the corrupt Congress leaders are being defended is a clear case of the “anarchy” in the city. The AAP government is leading the state to the situation of a constitutional breakdown where corrupt are protected and hapless  people are being at the receiving end of the arrogance, misbehaviour and  irresponsible behaviour of AAP leaders.
“The law must be applied to all equally.  But that is not happening. The rule of law has to be restored in the city. That would be done only when a ‘law-breaker’ law minister is sacked and arrested. Similarly, the ‘big fish’ who have made pocketed crores of rupees of public money should also be brought to the book,” said Sh. Goel.
“The way AAP has given clean chit to Bharati is a clear indication that it is a party of “khaas aadmi” which  is ready to bend rules of law to serve the ‘power elite’,” said Sh. Goel.
The delegation that met the LG comprised  among others of former Delhi BJP Presidents Sh. Mangeram  Garg and Sh. Vijender Gupta,  senior party leader Prof. Jagdish Mukhi BJP national secretaries Sh. Shyam Jaju and Ms Arti Mehra, legislators Ramesh Bidhuri, Pawan Sharma, MS Bisht,  Delhi BJP general  secretaries Shikha Rai and  Jaiprakash and Vijay Jolly.

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