Vijay Goel

Union Minister for Youth Affairs and Sports Vijay Goel inaugurates India Art Festival at Thyagraj Stadium Complex in Delhi

Union Minister for Youth Affairs and Sports Vijay Goel today inaugurated the India Art Festival at Thyagraj Stadium Complex in Delhi. More than 6 nations with over 4000 artistes will participate in this year’s edition. There are more than 100 stalls have been set up to display art work and paintings.
Interacting with the media Goel said, “India Art Festival is the only art fair in India that presents two annual editions in two different cities –Mumbai and New Delhi. IAF provides unique opportunity to the art galleries and artists to create a network with the art dealers, art collectors and art buyers. I would request everyone to visit this festival and explore the various art work”.
Goel also spotted a painting which he felt depicts the story of Zaira Wasim – the young star from the film Dangal. Goel stated that our daughters are now breaking free and exploring various avenues and even excelling in them, they must be encouraged”.

Since its first edition in 2011, India Art Festival successfully facilitated expansion of the periphery of art patronage by mounting the grand art fairs not only in India but in the overseas countries like South Korea and others. After the eight successful editions at Mumbai & New Delhi, India Art Festival positions itself as a successful and tested new module of art fair with a focus on both – art galleries and independent artists.
India Art Festival is being held at Thyagaraj Stadium, New Delhi from 19 to 22 Jan 2017 and at Nehru Center, Mumbai, India from 02 to 05 November 2017. In the last seven editions, India Art Festival attracted more than 200,000 visitors.

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