Vijay Goel

Goel to lead Padyatra to make drug abuse an electoral issue

Union Minister and former BJP Delhi President Vijay Goel would carry out a Padyatra tomorrow, Sunday, March 31 at 9.30 am from Jawahar Camp in Kirti Nagar against the failure of the Kejriwal government on checking the menace of intoxication by drugs, tobacco, liquor and gambling in the city of Delhi. Goel would talk to the young people and spread awareness on how drug abuse destroys their own lives. Drug abuse is not only sickness but also a crime.
Goel said the demand and consumption of drugs have drastically shot up in Delhi in the past three years; the situation now is such that even a kid as young as nine-year-old is consuming drugs. Goel said that the Arvind Kejriwal’s campaign in Punjab against drug problem was a mere drama because had he been sincere to the cause he would have rescued Delhi’s kids and college youth from falling in the vicious trap of substance abuse.
A survey conducted by the Kejriwal government on Delhi’s street children revealed that about 70,000 youths in Delhi were found consuming drugs such as heroin, cannabis, and sedatives, while 20,000 youths reported intake of tobacco. Many other surveys have repeatedly informed that as much as 50 percent of youths in Delhi slums are drug addicts.
Goel said Kejriwal would not make drug abuse an election agenda since he has not taken a single, remedial measure on this front till date; the de-addiction programmes that the Kejriwal government runs have failed to find a solution to this problem. Goel said drug addiction is increasingly becoming a serious problem that continues to claim innocent lives and affects the future of youths since many of them drop out of their schools and colleges. Goel said he would make drug abuse a major issue in the upcoming polls to save the health and future of thousands of kids and youths in Delhi.

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My visions for Delhi stems from these inspiring words of Swami Vivekanada. I sincerely believe that Delhi has enough number of brave, bold men and women who can make it not only one of the best cities.

My vision for Delhi is that it should be a city of opportunities where people

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