Vision for Delhi
My visions for Delhi stems from these inspiring words of Swami Vivekanada. I sincerely believe that Delhi has enough number of brave, bold men and women who can make it not only one of the best cities.
My vision for Delhi is that it should be a city of opportunities where people

Dog Menace
Water, though being one of the most precious resources on the earth, is availabile in limited amount. Hence it’s necessary that due management of the water resources is taken for the existence of life.

Power is the basis of human lives and is used in almost everything we have. Hence it’s vital in the interest of social development and welfare that power reaches to common citizens

Education empowers our children, making them strong enough to look after themselves in any given situation. A large role in delivering the education is played by our educational institutions

Delhi Villages Delhi has 369 villages which, though called as Urban Villages but, continue to suffer from developmental inequalities. The basic infrastructure is in such a sorrow state that some villages

Healthcare The Delhi government being the major health service provider is responsible for the healthcare services in Delhi but due to lack of planning and vision of Delhi government

Pollution According to a Greenpeace study, New Delhi is the most polluted capital city in the world. The PM 2.5 and PM 10 levels have crossed the emergency levels of 500ug/m3.

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People Says

Vijay Goel is a national leader with wider vision and worked on the ground in Delhi.
Shantanu Gupta

No cricket with Pak until terrorism stops, says sports minister Vijay Goel Finally! Kudos for a much needed call!
Amrita Bhinder

Simply will appreciate Vijay Goel’s working style, witnessed his personal attention to west Delhi – Paschim Vihar ppl even at late hours.

One must appreciate how Vijay Goel is working so hard and looking out for all sports. One can feel the change. Best wishes!
Saurabh Thapliyal
Vijay on Issues

Delhi Villages Delhi has 369 villages which, though called as Urban Villages but, continue to suffer from developmental inequalities. The basic infrastructure is in such a sorrow state that some villages

Education is a progressive discovery of our ignorance. Hence it’s imperative in the interest of societal development that its children and youth are well educated. It’s a shame that Delhi despite being the capital of India is not fully literate whereas a small state like Kerala has attained 100% literacy.

Wateris vital for the existence of life but we need to realize that like all the other resources it is not unlimited and, going by the experts’ opinion, the next war could be fought because of it.

Youth Development Youth is the backbone of our country’s progress and we all need to work towards their overall development. Apart from providing training & employment in traditional careers I have always encouraged active youth participation in politics.

Housing To own a home, irrespective of the size, is a dream cherished by many. I understand this sentiment and that is why I championed the cause to help protect the applicants who were promised homes and felt cheated by the Delhi government.

Power is one of the basic amenities of life happens to be a matter of great concern for the citizens of Delhi. Faulty meters, power shortage and inflated power bills are the most common grievances faced by every other citizen.


Chandni Chowk I have a keen interest in exploring and learning about culture, traditions and Heritage. Chandni Chowk, my former parliamentary constituency, is a perfect example of the multicultural and multi-religious India.

Youth Development Youth is the backbone of our country’s progress and we all need to work towards their overall development. Apart from providing training & employment in traditional careers I have always encouraged active youth participation in politics.

Vijay's Initiatives

Recycling toys-recycling smiles.

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