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Deteriorating Healthcare services
According to the recommendations of the World Health Organization, Delhi should have the bed-population ratio of 5/1000. However, the bed-population ratio in Delhi is half of the prescribed level and the condition does not seem to be improving even at present. The mobile health scheme was launched to provide the basic health care services to residents at their door steps, especially to Jhuggi Jhopri clusters. However, the entire medical team responsible for these services was diverted to other places for which no financial sanctions were issued by the government of Delhi. This frequent diversion of vans not only resulted in the diversion or siphoning of funds but also deprived the underprivileged citizens their rights over the basic medical services.
Poor Infrastructure
Not much effort has been put in to increase the number of hospitals, PHC etc. In fact, there is a decline in the number of maternity, sub-centres and special clinics which nothing but depicts the failure of the government to cater to the increasing health demand of citizens of Delhi. The land at various places was allotted between 1997 and 2008 for construction of 10 hospitals with proposed bed capacity ranging from 60 to 700. An amount of Rs. 13.13 crore has been spent on account of purchase of land and construction of boundary walls. However, the records available with DHS revealed that no construction work had started on any of the sites till August 2012. Consequently while funds of Rs. 13.13 crores remained blocked, the people of Delhi are deprived of intended health services.
The emergency department is required to render comprehensive services from elementary first aid and general outpatient services to sophisticated management of surgical and medical emergencies and full scale trauma care. The CAG visit to casualty / emergency department revealed that adequate facilities like beds, equipment, patient trolleys, ceiling fans, light and ACs did not exist in these departments. In DDU hospitals, the emergency wards had a bed capacity of 50 which would mean availability of 18250 beds a day during a year. But during the year 2009-11, the patients admitted ranged from 33920 to 44622 leading the average bed occupancy of 215%. In simple language, this means that 2 or 3 patients had to accommodate on a single bed.
In a vast majority of the government hospitals, the water coolers and water purifiers are non-functioning and if they are functional then they continue to be in a very unhygienic condition. Most of the water testing reports from government hospitals are unsatisfactory and not safe for drinking purposes. Needless to say, the non-potable water is the major source of the diseases and increases the possibility of proliferation of communicable diseases. The condition of toilets in the hospitals is miserable. The corridors, passages, staircases and the corners of all the areas in government hospitals are littered with leftovers, dirt and waste materials.
The ambulances are expected to be used for the convenience of the patients but as per CAG report, the ambulances remains unutilized for most of the times. The ambulances are rather being used for bringing medicines from a market, dropping doctors at their residences and collecting cash from the banks. Moreover, the ambulances lack basic life support equipment such as oxygen cylinders, suction pumps, BP instruments etc.
Vision for Delhi
My visions for Delhi stems from these inspiring words of Swami Vivekanada. I sincerely believe that Delhi has enough number of brave, bold men and women who can make it not only one of the best cities.
My vision for Delhi is that it should be a city of opportunities where people

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Vijay Goel is a national leader with wider vision and worked on the ground in Delhi.
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No cricket with Pak until terrorism stops, says sports minister Vijay Goel Finally! Kudos for a much needed call!
Amrita Bhinder

Simply will appreciate Vijay Goel’s working style, witnessed his personal attention to west Delhi – Paschim Vihar ppl even at late hours.

One must appreciate how Vijay Goel is working so hard and looking out for all sports. One can feel the change. Best wishes!
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