Vijay Goel

Goel performed ‘havan’ at Hanuman temple in Connaught Place to rescue 41 workers

·         Goel performed ‘havan’ at Hanuman temple in Connaught Place to rescue 41 workers
          trapped in the Uttarkashi tunnel collapse.
·         Rescue work is going on in full swing: Goel
·         Every life is precious for Modi government: Goel
·         Goel appealed to all the countrymen to pray for the safety of 41 workers trapped in the tunnel.
New Delhi, 20 November 2023. Former Union Minister and BJP leader Vijay Goel today performed ‘havan’ at Hanuman Temple in Connaught Place for safe evacuation of 41 workers trapped in the tunnel in Uttarkashi (Uttarakhand).
Through this havan organized in the premise of Hanuman temple at Connaught Place, New Delhi, prayer was made to the Sankatmochak Hanuman ji for the success of the efforts being made by the Modi government to save the life of these 41 entrapped workers so that they could safely reach their homes.
Goel said that the pro-active rescue mission to save these workers necessarily implies that:
First, every life is precious for the Modi government.
Second, no matter how poor a person is, the Modi government is committed for their safety.
Third, the attention of the entire country at present is towards the workers trapped in the tunnel and they are praying for their safety.
Goel told that these 41 workers including people from all religions, castes, and states have been trapped in an under construction tunnel between Silkyara and Dandalgaon on Brahmakhal-Yamunotri National Highway since November 12, i.e. for 9 days now. To take them out safely, a robotic machine has been deployed at the Silkyara tunnel site and it has to drill 60 meters, out of which 24 meters have already been drilled.
Goel said that the government has proactively supplied oxygen, food and water through the pipes to the workers trapped in the tunnel. Constant communication is also being maintained with them and their respective families to keep up their morale.
Goel said that earlier also the Modi government has managed to safely evacuate people stuck in foreign countries including the belligerent Ukraine. Goel said that there are many such examples when the Modi government has brought the people of the country out of calamities.
Goel appealed to all the countrymen to pray for the well-being and safety of the entrapped workers until they come out of the tunnel.

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