Vijay Goel

BJP Mahila Morcha stages strong demonstration against price spiral and false food security scheme.

  • BJP Mahila Morcha stages strong demonstration against price spiral and false food security scheme.  
  • PDS has collapsed, Ration Cards have not been issued for the last 15 years in Delhi-Goel  

New Delhi, July 13: BJP Delhi Pradesh Mahila Morcha staged a strong demonstration against ever increasing prices of essential commodities in Delhi and the country and the false food security scheme of the Congress Government. The demonstration was staged from 11, Ashoka Road to 10, Janpath. BJP Delhi Pradesh President Shri Vijay Goel, Mahila Morcha President Smt. Sudha Sharma, Pradesh General Secretary Smt. Shikha Rai, Dr. Anita Arya, Smt. Poornima Vidhyarthi, Ms. Nupur Sharma, Smt. Mukul Aggarwal etc. participated in this demonstration.  
Addressing the women workers participating in the demonstration, Pradesh President Shri Vijay Goel said that the Chief Minister of Delhi wants to implement food security scheme in Delhi from 20th August, 2013. But the reality is that no ration cards have been issued for the last 15 years in Delhi. PDS System has totally collapsed. Justice Wadhwa Committee has found that the PDS system in Delhi is one of the most corrupt and inefficient system in the country. Earlier Annashri Yojna and Antyodaya Yojna started by Delhi Government have already failed to serve the people. Now Delhi Government wants to hoodwink the people by talking about Food Security Scheme.  This scheme will meet the same fate as the Rajiv Ratna Aawas Yojna. The people of Delhi know all these things and they shall give a fitting reply to the Congress at proper time.  
Mahila Morcha Pradesh President Smt. Sudha Sharma said that the Government has no control over price rise of essential commodities. As a housewife she knows that how much the price rise has adversely affected the household of the people. Now even vegetables are out of the reach of common man. We are not in a position to provide nutritious food to our children.
On this occasion, Pradesh General Secretary Smt. Shikha Rai said that the Government has completely failed to provide essential commodities at fair price to the people. The Government issued the Ordinance when only 20 days were left for the commencement of Parliament sessions. It shows that the Government wants to hoodwink the people on this issue and its real intentions are not to provide food security.
The police stopped the demonstrators at Akbar Road and used force against them.  Many women workers sustained injuries. Not only this, the police also used water cannon against the women workers. BJP strongly opposes the use of force by the Government.

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