Vijay Goel

DELHI BJP holds historic ‘Bijli Rally’ at Ramlila Maidan

In a show of unprecedented strength at Ramlila Grounds , the  Delhi BJP today organized a massive and historic  “Bijli Rally” and gave a call for ouster of the corrupt, inefficient and insensitive Congress government in Delhi. The party today reiterated its promise of 30% reduction in power tariffs in Delhi after coming to power and explained to lakhs of people how it is going to do it(Please see Key Points at the end of the statement).

Lakhs of people started gathering at Ramlila grounds since early morning. As the crowds swelled, the overwhelming support was evident from the way all roads surrounding Ram lia ground were overbrimming with party sympathsiers and supporter.

The BJP leaders who spoke at the rally exposed the misrule of Congress government  with a promise that the wrongs done by the Congress would be set right  when BJP comes to power in Delhi.

There was huge response from people, who came from all the corners of the national capital to voice their anguish at and opposition to the apathy of the Congress government in Delhi.

Addressing the rally BJP’s national President Shri Rajnath Singh declared that the writing on the all is clear that the common man wants Congress to go. Shri Singh said that the Congress’s government has been complicit in continuing the power fraud on people of Delhi. The BJP national President emphasised that it is shocking that despite the fact that Smt Sheila Dikshit has been the Chief Minister of Delhi for the past 15 years, a vast majority of the residents don’t have access to basic civic amenities. Shri Singh promised that the BJP will provide all the basic amenities including electricity, health, water, education, roads and proper drainage to all the residents of the national capital when it comes to power.

Referring to the audacious aggressions by Pakistan killing Indian soldiers on the borders, the BJP national President said that the Congress-led UPA government under Prime Minister Shri Manmohan Singh has grossly compromised the security of the nation. He demanded that the diplomatic relations with Pakistan be scaled down and that the Prime Minister must not talk to Pakistan Prime Minister Shri Nawaz Sharif on the sidelines of the UNGA in the US next month. The BJP national President announced that the party will support the Food Security Bill in Parliament as the party does not want to give any excuse to the Congress party for not attending the poor of the country. Shri Singh said that the Congress’s policy is to perpetuate poverty in India without realizing that the India youths are being praised worldwide for their talent and hard-work.

Addressing the rally, Delhi BJP President Vijay Goel underlined the insensitive attitude of the present Congress government. Shri Goel said that the Congress government has connived with the power Discoms to secure an unprecedented hike of upto 72% in power tariff in Delhi over the years. Shri Goel said that the Congress government has kept under the cover its approval for  power tariff hike by a humongous 300% just after the assembly polls as the government has accepted the Rs. 19,000 crore regulatory losses as proposed by the power distribution companies. He warned that unless this design by the Congress government and the power Discoms was not defeated, the future generations would be paying for the “power shocks” being given to the people of Delhi right now.

The Delhi BJP President promised that as soon as the BJP comes to power in the city, it would take measures that would bring down power tariff by 30% and end the loot by the Discoms. Shri Goel reminded the people of Delhi that when privatization of power sector was done in 2002, electricity was available at Re. 1.0 per unit for 0-50 units slab and an average tariff was Rs. 1.37 per unit. Now power is available at minimum of Rs. 3.90 per unit—a hike of 285%.

“The Discoms are cheating the people by indulging in unethical trade practices like buying power and power equipment at higher rates from their sister concerns, and fudging their accounts to show loss. “

Sh. Goel said, “Just like competition among mobile service providers has brought down the call rates, the BJP would induce competition in the power sector in Delhi too which would ensure that the tariff is reduced and consumers pay less and less.”

He said, “In addition to power sector, the Congress government has failed on all fronts. Today the education system in government schools has gone for a six and the parents of children studying there feel cheated but the government is busy in fudging figures to project false claims.”

“After power, the Congress government wants to privatise water and create a mess there while half of Delhi is thirsty.The Congress government is announcing a number of schemes such as extension of Lal Dora and restricted use of Section 81, a few months before polls. What was it doing for the last 15 years?, ” asked Sh. Goel

Addressing the rally, the leader of opposition in Delhi Assembly Sh. Vijay Kumar Malhotra said, “The Congress government has committed a big fraud in the name of regularizing unauthorized colonies. There are atleast 116 colonies which do not exist and yet they are announced to be regularized. Lakhs of rupees have gone into Congress leader’s pockets.”

Dr. Harshavardhan, former Delhi BJP President said, “The Congress government in Delhi has failed on all fronts-power, water, Yamuna cleaning, environment, food and civil supplie, transport etc. We had raised the issue of power scam in 2003 itself and the Public Accounts Committee of Delhi Assembly headed by Congress leader Dr. S.C. Vats had  clearly said that there is a scam worth atleast Rs 12500 crore in the power sector.”

Former Delhi BJP President Sh. Vijendra Gupta said, “People want to get rid of Congress. We challenge the CM to come and debate with us on the frauds committed in the power sector.”

Amongst others who addressed the rally were former Mayor Aarti mehra, Vijay Jolly, National secretaries Anil jain, Vaani Tripathi and Shyam jaju and BJP national executive member Kiron Kher.  Delhi BJP election incharge Sh. Nitin  Gadkari who could not attend the rally due to delay in flight called up Shri Vijay Goel and complimented him, BJP leaders, cadres and most of all the people of Delhi who made this rally a huge success.

 How BJP will reduce the power tariff by 30%
(i)                 Power purchase agreements  to be  made public for introducing transparency – review existing PPAs
(ii)               Introduction of Competition: Currently the DISCOMS have cartelized and have monopolized the distribution of electricity. The BJP government would introduce competition among the companies which would eliminate monopoly of DISCOMS and help in reducing the increased tariff rates.
(iii)             End monopoly and introduce open access system: Consumer may purchase power from any company that provides cheaper and stable power as is happening in Mumbai.
(iv)              Curtailing unnecessary Purchase of Power: The DISCOMS are currently buying the electricity more than the requirement of Delhi and eventually consumers are bearing the cost of this extra electricity. All consumers are paying and will continue to pay Rs. 2/- per unit extra for this extra electricity bought by DISCOMS. We will reduce this unnecessary purchase of power which will reduce the extra burden on consumers. After adding the carrying cost the effective increase per unit would be Rs. 3.50.
(v)                Providing Separate Neutral to each Consumer: The current electric meters have the common neutral because of which the consumers are paying for the electricity which they are not using. It has come to light that the residents are paying 25% to 40% higher bills without actually consuming the power.  BJP will provide the separate neutral to each consumer which will reduce the inflated bills.
(vi)              Introduce Transparency in the Working of DISCOMS: DISCOMS lack the transparency in their working. Today, on the one hand, the DERC is recommending huge loss for the year 2013-14 in the Statutory Advice and in the tariff order there is a surplus. Therefore, the consumers are being hoodwinked by the Regulator, the DISCOMS and the Delhi Government. This raises serious doubts on credibility of the DERC and the Delhi Government. So, BJP will bring in the transparency in the working of DISCOMS by CAG audit.
(vii)            Invite Competitive International Bids for DISCOMS. This will ensure the efficient energy distribution.
(viii)          Control the Power Theft: The losses on account of electricity theft are routinely passed on to the customers in the form of higher energy charges. So by controlling the electricity theft we will reduce the electricity bills.
(ix)              Bringing DISCOMS under RTI: DISCOMS do not come under RTI act. BJP government will bring them under RTI act which will make them answerable to the common people and also increase transparency in their working.
(x)                Accountable DERC: The DERC (Delhi Electricity Regulatory Commission) over a period of time seems to have lost its independence, autonomy and credibility. We will focus on strengthening the DERC by appointing the competent people as heads which will establish the control over DISCOMS.
(xi)              Conduct Energy Audit: The purchase, supply and use of electricity by all the stakeholders are not transparent leaving immense scope for the DISCOMS to get away with power fraud. Conducting energy audit will clear this mess and differentiate between a common power consumer and an electricity guzzler.

Vision for Delhi

My visions for Delhi stems from these inspiring words of Swami Vivekanada. I sincerely believe that Delhi has enough number of brave, bold men and women who can make it not only one of the best cities.

My vision for Delhi is that it should be a city of opportunities where people

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