Vijay Goel

Court’s order to file FIR against CM vindicates Delhi BJP’s stand

The Delhi BJP today demanded that Delhi Chief Minister Smt Sheila Dikshit must step down immediately as it has become untenable for her to stay in this position after a Delhi Court today ordered to file an FIR against the Chief Minister under the Prevention of Corruption Act. The Special Court’s order came in a case of misuse of public fund for political campaign filed by former Delhi BJP President Shri Vijender Gupta.
The Delhi BJYM today announced that it will hold a cycle rally against CM demanding her resignation. Thousands of party workers will reach CM’s residence on bicycles to demand her ouster.
Delhi BJP President Sh. Vijay Goel said, “The BJP stand has been vindicated by this Court order today. The Chief Minister has lost moral right to continue. She should resign immediately and if she refuses to do so, she should be sacked. The hoardings put up the Delhi government at the cost of public exchequer should be removed immediately.”
He further added, “The BJP will launch an all out agitation to press for the resignation of the Chief Minister. She has been under the scanner in the past for Commonwealth Games Scam, DJB scam and several other scams. All her cabinet colleagues have also been involved in several cases of corruption. ”
Sh. Goel said that if the Delhi government has spent Rs. 300 crore to put up hoardings all over the city. If it does not remove its hoardings immediately then the BJP workers will span out in all parts of the city and take down these hoardings.
The case in which the FIR has been ordered to be registered relates to expenditure of nearly Rs. 22 crore from the state exchequer on putting Congress’s hoardings across the city in the run up to 2008 assembly polls. The Chief Minister was also the Minister In charge of Information and publicity at time of this gross misuse of public fund.
A number of government advertisements were published in the form of publications of advertisement in newspaper, large number of hoarding showing photographs of the Congress President and the Chief Minister all over Delhi Metro, bus stands and also in form of Radio Jingles and TV Spots. The expenditure was incurred from the State Exchequer while the entire advertisement campaign was actually a poll-campaign of the Congress Party.
Moreover, the advertisement carried out of public fund spread misleading information about the achievements of the Congress’s government. The advertisements had claimed 60,000 new houses were ready for allotment. But, as established in an inquiry later, the Delhi Government had no houses and no such plan either at the time of issuing the advertisement campaign.
The Lokayukta nailed the lies and falsehood spread by the Delhi Government by instituting an inquiry. The Lokayukta probe found the Chief Minister guilty of unauthorized expenditure from the state exchequer in this matter and directed her to deposit Rs 11 crore to the exchequer. In the capacity of the Minister for Information and Publicity, the Chief Minister spent more than 100 times of the allocated fund for the campaign through hoardings and advertisements. She ordered to spend Rs 22 crore against the budget of just Rs. 15 Lakh.
The matter reached the court as the Chief Minister continued to defy the Lokayukta’s order and used her official position to thwart the attempts by the Anti-corruption Bureau to file an FIR in the case. Now, that the Special Court has ordered to file an FIR under the Prevention of Corruption Act, Smt Dikshit has no moral right to occupy the Chief Minister’s Office any longer. 

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