Vijay Goel

Goel undertakes “Village Padyatra” amidst huge support from Delhi villages

The Delhi Bharatiya Janata Party today announced that it would be coming out with a comprehensive list of candidates for the coming assembly polls in Delhi after September 29 Rally at Japanese Park in Rohini. This election rally will be addressed by Shri Narendra Modi and is likely to be attended by more than 4 lakh people.
Delhi BJP President Sh. Vijay Goel said in a statement issued today, “As all the party functionaries are working overtime to make September 29 rally a historic success which is currently the main focus of all party activities, so we will come out with our list of candidates for the coming assembly polls after September 29.”

Shri Goel reiterated that as Delhi Election in-charge Shri Nitin Gadkari has stated, the criteria for selecting the candidates is winnability. “We are confident that in the true tradition of a cadre based party, once the candidates are announced, all party cadres and functionaries will work together for ensuring a historic victory in Delhi assembly polls to end 15 years of Congress’ misrule.”
Meanwhile, Slamming the Congress government’s mismanagement leading to skyrocketing of Onion prcies, Shri Goel who undertook a " village padyatra" in several villages in Shahbad-Daulatpur area  said, “Onions are selling at a price of Rs 70-80 a kg in the retail markets of Delhi for almost two months. The 600 onion stalls claimed to have been put up by the Delhi Government to sell cheaper onions are hardly visible on the ground.”
The Congress government in Delhi was contacted by NAFED to augment the supply of onions through cheap imports but the Congress government failed to respond and place any order. The result is that there has been a 245% increase in prices of Onions. In fact Onions are now more expensive than Petrol and Apples.”
“ Despite this unabated rise in the prices of onions and other food items, the Central Government has allowed export of onions in huge quantity at a prefixed rate, which is much lower than the current prices of onions. This policy of the government is beyond logical comprehension at a time when people are suffering due to unprecedented food inflation. The government continues to be insensitive to people’s woes,” Shri Goel added.
While the Delhi government has failed to perform its duty, the Delhi BJP today asked all its councillors and MLAs in Delhi to put up stalls to provide onions at affordable prices to the common people.
According to the latest official data, there has been 245 percent annual jump in onion prices for August. The prices of entire basket of vegetables have gone up by 77% in August this year as compared to August last year. Eggs, meat and fish prices are up by nearly 19 percent during the same period. Overall food inflation accelerated to a three-year high of 18.18 percent in August. This is a situation of total despair for the common public.
There are more worrisome signs as the government continues to turn a blind eye to people’s woes. Prices of essential commodities including the food items are set to rise further as the government is again planning to hike retail diesel prices by nearly 10 percent. Such an increase in diesel prices would be disastrous for the essential commodities’ market and push food inflation further.
Those who accompanied Shri Goel in the padyatra included among others legislator Shri Kulwant Rana, councillors Shri Jai Bhagwan Yadav and Sh. Devender Kumar, north-west district BJP president Tarachand Bansal and district BJP general secretary Shri Vinod Sehrawat.

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