Vijay Goel

Party cadres fully charged up to make Sept. 29 rally historic event: Goel

As a part of its ongoing preparation for the BJP’s rally on September 29 rally the Delhi BJP today performed Bhumi Pujan at Japanese Park, Rohini which is venue of the rally. The rally is to be addressed among others by BJP’s Prime Ministerial Candidate for 2014 Lok Sabha polls.
A large number of BJP cadres and BJP leaders including former BJP Presidents Shri Mange Ram Garg and Shri Vijender Gupta participated in the Bumi Pujan performed today.
Delhi BJP President Shri Vijay Goel said, “This will be a historic rally and we are confident to make it the biggest rally to be addressed by Shri Modi. More than 4 lakh people are likely to attend the rally. This historic rally will provide an opportunity to Delhi’ites to listen to Sh. Narendra Modi and other senior BJP leaders.
Shri Goel said, “At the organizational level, the Delhi BJP is fully geared up to mobilize the support for the rally. The party leaders have fanned out to all parts of Delhi to garner support for the rally. Prabhat Pheris are being successufully launched in all 280 mandals and they are receiving veryh good response. This is an indication of the pro-BJP mood and growing support for Shri Narendra Modi.”
“Over the next few days meetings are being held at mandal and district levels in this regard.  We are already getting a huge response from the youth, unauthorized colonies, JJ clusters and slums. This is an indication that people are fed up with misrule of Congress and they find a viable alternative in BJP which can provide good governance,” he added.
The overwhelming support from all sections of society is an indication that Delhi’ites want BJP to bring back to power as the party has projected its positive agenda which provides people-friendly alternative model of development.
The Congress has nothing else to show but false claims. The BJP has already punched holes into these claims which are being displayed all over the city by blatantly misusing taxpayers money. According to even conservative estimates, more than Rs. 300 crore have already been spent on such hoardings.
The ABVP’s victory and Congress’ student wing NSUI’s rout in the recent DUSU polls, Congress’ rout in MCD by-polls and Gurudwara polls this year and BJP’s handsome victory over Congress in the last year MCD polls is an indication which way winds are blowing. The September 29 rally will further reflect this anti-Congress and pro-BJP mood of common people.

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