Vijay Goel

Vijay Goel unveils LED screen at Gole Market for live telecast of Vikas Rally

Delhi BJP today said that several foreign diplomats have been invited to attend the September 29 Vikas Rally at the Japanese Park in Rohini, which will be addressed among others by BJP’s Prime Ministerial candidate Shri Narendra Modi. The invitations have been extended in the view of keen interests shown by many countries in Shri Modi’s public speeches in the run up to the assembly polls and the general election scheduled for next year.

Delhi BJP President Shri Vijay Goel and BJP National Secretary Shri Shyam Jaju unveiled an LED screen at the Gole Market for live telecast of the September 29 rally.
Speaking on the occasion, Shri Goel said, “Besides, the equipment of state of the art technology installed at the venue of the rally, 10 additional LED screens will be put up at prominent locations of Delhi so that people, who could not make it to the venue, may see a live telecast of the speeches of the BJP leaders. This special arrangement is being made in the view of the growing enthusiasm among the populace for the rally.”

Shri Goel further said, “Invitation cards have been sent to the several embassies and high commissions inviting the foreign diplomats for the Vikas Rally. Party is expecting confirmation on the invitation in a day or two.”

Shri Goel said, “As the diplomats of many countries are expected to attend the September 29 rally, special arrangements are being made for them at the venue of the rally. Elaborate security and sitting arrangements are being put in place for these dignitaries.”

“Apart from the foreign diplomats, several former bureaucrats are also expected to attend the rally, where Shri Modi will spell out BJP’s agenda for development of both Delhi and the country. A separate arrangement is being made for the former bureaucrats, who understand the value of decisive leadership for the development the country,” Shri Goel informed.

Shri Goel further said, “The students of Delhi University have made special demand for attending the Vikas Rally. Transport arrangements will be made available to all the colleges, from where such demands have come.”

Preparations for the Vikas Rally is in full swing with the members of the 18 committees formed to oversee the arrangements for the rally working overtime to ensure that this becomes the biggest ever rally in Delhi. Delhi BJP President and other senior leaders of the party are constantly monitoring the preparations for the rally to make sure that all the arrangements are put in place in time. Around 5 lakh persons are expected to attend the September 29 rally. The Delhi BJP has made exquisite transport arrangements for people keen to attend the rally. These arrangements have been made in accordance with the areas of the Lok Sabha constituencies in Delhi. So, there will seven different sets of buses each with a distinct colour scheme representing the seven Lok Sabha constituencies in Delhi.

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