Vijay Goel

Goel, top leaders take stock of preparations for the Sept. 29 rally

Delhi BJP President Sh. Vijay Goel today visited the venue of the September 29 Vikas Rally at the Japanese Park in Rohini along with the members of the 18 committees formed to oversee the preparation for the rally, which will be addressed among others by BJP’s Prime Ministerial candidate Shri Narendra Modi,. Shri Goel extended an open invitation to the people of Delhi to attend the historic rally.
Inspecting the venue, Shri Goel said, “Though we are sending invitations also but there is an open invitation extended to all those who want to attend this rally. Our volunteers will ensure that everyone who wants to attend the rally can do that." Around 5 lakh persons are expected to attend the September 29 rally. Shri Goel said, "The party has made exquisite arrangements for buses for people going for the rally. The transport arrangements have been made according to the areas of the Lok Sabha constituencies in Delhi. Accordingly, the buses will be in seven different colours representing seven Lok Sabha constituencies in Delhi. The colour scheme of the buses is being finalized.”
Sh. Goel further said, “Considering the tremendous popularity of Shri Modi among the youth, the party is giving special focus on them. Special passes for youth are being issued to them for attending the rally. Youth are being contacted in all the colleges in Delhi and NCR to ensure that their enthusiasm is reflected when they take part in the rally in huge numbers.”
“Special arrangements will be made for the youth at the venue of the rally. A separate enclosure is being built in the rally pandals to accommodate young participants of the rally,” Sh. Goel informed.
The Delhi BJP President said that minority communities have shown great enthusiasm for theSeptember 29 rally.
Sh. Goel said, “We are expecting an impressive attendance of minorities in this historic rally. Apart from the Delhi BJP Minority Morcha, senior leaders of the party are also mobilizing among others the minority communities for the rally. Development has been the key concern and agenda for the minorities too, and they see Sh. Narendra Modi as an ambassdor of development. Obviously, there is a fabulous response from the minority communities for the rally, which has been named as Vikas Rally.”
Sensing the enthusiasm and zeal among the supporters and common populace of Delhi for the rally, the Delhi BJP has put up a counter at its headquarters at 14, Pt Pant Marg for merchandise for the rally including caps, T-shirts etc.  Meanwhile the prabhat pheris in all 280 Mandals continue to attract huge response from all sections of society.

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