Vijay Goel

President to file criminal complaint against Arvind Kejriwal

In a statement issued today, the Delhi Bharatiya Janata party said that in view of the mischievous and baseless allegations of corruption against the Delhi BJP President Sh. Vijay Goel by AAP leader Sh. Arvind Kejriwal, a criminal complaint will be filed against him.

The Delhi BJP President has already served a legal notice to him. The reply given by Sh. Kejriwal has no specific details that could prove even an iota of the allegations leveled against the Delhi BJP President.  Hence the Delhi BJP President is compelled  to file a criminal complaint against Sh. Kejriwal.

Ironically Sh. Kejriwal’s vitriolic  and personal attack on Delhi BJP  is  helping the Congress most. It is surprising that instead of targeting the Congress government, AAP leaders are targeting the main opposition party BJP which is all set to  defeat Congress.  

As people are able to see through Sh. Kejriwal’s attempts to divide the anti-incumbency vote thus helping Congress to make come back, his party is losing support. Many of his colleagues have left him in the past realizing that he is leading a Congress ‘B’ team.

Thus his recent outbursts are also a reflection of his growing frustration. The Delhi BJP believes  that political battles should not lead to personal attacks. The Delhi BJP will resist any attempts to vitiate the city’s political culture through mischievous and false allegations on any of its leaders.

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My visions for Delhi stems from these inspiring words of Swami Vivekanada. I sincerely believe that Delhi has enough number of brave, bold men and women who can make it not only one of the best cities.

My vision for Delhi is that it should be a city of opportunities where people

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