Vijay Goel

BJP will present a new development model for Delhi, says Shri Vijay Goel

The Delhi Bharatiya Janata Party is all set to expose the misrule of Congress in Delhi during last 15 years in the Vikas Rally on September 29. The party will highlight  Delhi specific issues in this rally  which is going to be addressed by  BJP’s Prime Ministerial Candidate Shri Narendar Modi, Delhi Election in-charge and former national BJP President Shri Nitin Gadkari, Delhi BJP President Shri Vijay Goel and Leader of Opposition in Delhi Assembly Prof. Vijay Kumar Malhotra. The rally will start at 10 am on September 29 at Japanese Park, Rohini.
Addressing a joint press conference today Shri Goel and Prof. Malhotra said, “This will be a historic rally. More than five lakh people attend it. The Congress government is scared of the massive response this rally has got and hence it is creating obstructions in putting up hoardings, posters etc.”
“The focus of this Vikas Rally is to a great extent on the development of Delhi. This rally will give voice to millions of Delhi’ites who are awaiting development even after 15 years of Congress rule. The BJP ruled states such as Gujarat, Chattisgrah, Madhya Pradesh and Goa have presented new development models. The BJP would implement similar models in Delhi when it comes to power.”
Prof.  Malhotra said, “Tomorrow’s rally will expose Congress’ hollow claims on the issue of inflation, corruption and lack of development in Delhi. The city has been turned into a slum during last 15 years by the Congress government.”
“The BJP is going to discuss not only the misdeeds of the Congress but also the positive agenda for the city in the rally tomorrow. “Development” is the mantra for BJP. Shri Modi himself is an icon of development and the Delhi BJP is also focusing on ‘development’,” added Shri Goel.
The Vikas Rally will reinforce the growing belief in the people of Delhi that BJP is a party for development.  In BJP’s focus on development is the key reason for the party getting huge support from all communities and sections of society for tomorrow’s rally. Large number of people from minority communities, youth, women, dalits and other weaker sections of the society are going to attend this rally.
Shri Goel said, “This will be a historic and the most memorable rally in this history of Delhi. Thousands of committed BJP workers have worked over the last few days to make it a success. I have been personally monitoring and supervising the preparations of this rally along with all other senior leaders of the party.  I can see that this rally has further galvanised the already charged up BJP cadres.”

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My visions for Delhi stems from these inspiring words of Swami Vivekanada. I sincerely believe that Delhi has enough number of brave, bold men and women who can make it not only one of the best cities.

My vision for Delhi is that it should be a city of opportunities where people

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