Vijay Goel

Moral victory for BJP, Congress relenting under intense pressure from BJP on reservation in colleges : Goel

The Delhi Bharatiya Janata Party President Shri Vijay Goel today said that the BJP has scored a major moral victory on the issue of providing reservation in colleges to students passing from Delhi schools.

“We have been raising this demand for the last many years and our pressure has compelled the Delhi government to initiate this move,” said Shri Goel in a statement issues today.

“This is a major victory for the BJP’s long standing movement to provide reservation in Delhi colleges for students passing out of Delhi schools.”

Shri Goel said that there is ample evidence on the record that we have raised this issue for the last three years. The Congress had not shown any concern about this till now.  “In the past we have held demonstrations demanding reservation for Delhi students, we have also approached the Vice Chancellor of Delhi University and other authorities for the same.”

The Delhi BJP President has written to the VC of DU regarding this in the past (scanned copy of letter attached). The BJP had also released Delhi Declaration on June 24,“State of Higher Education” clearly raising  this issue.

“When we started raising this demand, Congress government did not respond but now after the Vikas Rally of Sept. 29, it realized that the youth of the city feel betrayed by the Congress government’s apathy towards them. Their overwhelming support to the BJP  in this rally and prior to that has come as a shocker to the Congress and as a last ditch effort it is trying to save the day prior to the assembly polls.”

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