Vijay Goel

Scared Congress is running away from Accountability Commission: Goel

The Delhi BJP today lambasted the corruption riddled Congress government and said it is running away from setting up of Accountability Commission as proposed by the BJP. The party said that the Congress ministers today rejected the idea of Accountability Commission for Delhi as Congress knows that its reign of corruption will be exposed by the Accountability Commission.
Issuing a statement today, the Delhi BJP President Shri Vijay Goel said, “The Congress is opposing it as it is scared that the Accountability Commission will fix responsibility for scams carried out by the government in the last 15 years. Congress knows that many of those patronized and shielded by its government will land up in jails once Accountability Commission is set up for Delhi.”
He reiterated that the next government, formed by the BJP, will set up the Accountability Commission, which will look into the cases of corruption and irregularities effected during the 15-year misrule by the Congress government and hold people involved accountable for their wrongdoings.”
Meanwhile, the Delhi BJP President slammed the Congress ministers for misleading the people on issue of power, education and water. 
The Congress ministers have made wrong claims regarding power situation in Delhi. The ministers’ excuse that the power purchase cost is very high and hence cheaper electricity cannot be provided to people in Delhi is misleading. The power purchase cost is high for Delhi because of the collusion between the Congress government and the power discoms.
The BJP will reduce power tariff by 30% by removing the malpractices in power purchase and distribution in Delhi. The BJP will introduce competition among the power discoms, provide separate neutral to every household, bring transparency in the functioning of power discoms and rework power purchase agreements.
Congress ministers are misleading people by claiming that drinking water supply is available to 95% of the city. The CAG has clearly stated in its report that over 40% areas of Delhi does not get drinking water from the Delhi Jal Board. The Delhi government is, in fact, working hand in glove with the tanker mafia of the city.

The Congress ministers have failed to mention that there has been a sharp decline in the opportunities for higher education as no new college has been set up in the last 15 years in DU by Delhi government. The BJP government during 1993-98 had set up five new colleges, established Indraprastha University and set up Directorate of Education to promote higher education and technical education. When elected to power, the BJP will bring back higher education in focus of the Delhi government, open an online university, provide relaxation of 5% marks for students of Delhi and open new colleges. 

Vision for Delhi

My visions for Delhi stems from these inspiring words of Swami Vivekanada. I sincerely believe that Delhi has enough number of brave, bold men and women who can make it not only one of the best cities.

My vision for Delhi is that it should be a city of opportunities where people

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