Vijay Goel

Shri VIjay Goel extends his greeting to Delhiites on the occasion of Diwali

Delhi BJP President Shri Vijay Goel today extended his heartiest greetings to the whole of Delhi on the occasion of Diwali. He expressed hope that the light of Diwali will expel the darkness of Congress’ misrule of 15 years.
Addressing the Delhi BJP State Level office bearers at the Delhi BJP headquarters at Pt. Pant Marg, Sh. Goel said, “I would urge all the party cadres on the occasion of Diwali to take a resolve that they will bring back the light of BJP’s rule and do away with the darkness of Congress’ misrule in days to come.”
Shri Goel said, “As the date of poll is approaching fast, I call upon the BJP cadres to work at the grass-root level in large numbers. Wherever, there is a BJP government in the last few years, there has been good governance. We are confident that the BJP will score a historic win in the Delhi assembly polls and defeat the Congress comprehensively. The BJP will bring good governance to Delhi after the polls.”
Shri Goel further said, “It is very distressing that people of Delhi are not in a position to celebrate Diwali the way they wish to due to unprecedented rise in prices. Such a situation had seldom been witnessed in the history of Delhi, when people instead of celebrating festivals looked more worried about prices of essential commodities.”
“The present government of Delhi has shown no resolve to bring down the prices. There has been no innovating planning to check rising prices and the common people of Delhi have to pay the price for the inefficiency of the government”, Shri Goel said.
Shri Goel said, “Not only the prices of onions, potatoes and other vegetables are high, but the rates of petrol, diesel and LPG are also very high. The combined effect is that both the common man and traders are suffering due to mismanagement by the Congress government.”
Shri Goel called upon the party cadres to go out in every nook and corner of Delhi and will connect with every household of the city to expose the misdeeds of the Congress government.
Shri Goel urged party cadres to defuse the Congress’s claims by bringing forth the real picture of Delhi on the issues of price rise, corruption, lack of opportunity for the youth, deterioration of women’s safety, lack of development in unauthorized colonies and slums, lack of transparency and absence of accountability in the government.

Vision for Delhi

My visions for Delhi stems from these inspiring words of Swami Vivekanada. I sincerely believe that Delhi has enough number of brave, bold men and women who can make it not only one of the best cities.

My vision for Delhi is that it should be a city of opportunities where people

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