Vijay Goel

Congress manifesto lacks vision, same old promises are repeated: Goel

The Delhi Bharatiya Janata Party President Shri Vijay Goel today slammed Congress for repeating the same old promises in its manifesto which it fails to keep. He also demanded that Congress should clarify its stand on privatisation of water which has resulted in whooping water bills.
Shri Goel said, the Congress manifesto exposes its anti-people approach as it does not talk about reduction power and water tariffs and bringing down prices of essential commodities. No concrete vision or plan about ensuring safety of women is mentioned in it, only lip service has been paid.
While addressing people during his padyatras and election campaigning in Babarpur, Rohtas Nagar, Seemapuri and Gokulpuri assembly constituencies for BJP candidates Shri Naresh Gaur, Shri Jitendra Mahajan Shri Rampal Singh and Shri Ranjeet Kashyap , he lambasted the Congress for its doublespeak in the manifesto.
Following are the key points from comments made by Shri Goel in context of Congress manifesto:
Price Rise: Congress manifesto provides no solution to the problem of price rise. Only lip service has been paid by promising subsidised pulses and edible oil.  Why can’t the government bring prices down instead of talking about subsidies? We all know that subsidies are not sustainable in the long run. This shows that Congress is least bothered about finding solutions to problems of price rise.  BJP would ensure proper supply of essential commodities round the year.  Long terms contracts will be done with suppliers to bring down costs, PDS will be revamped and made corruption and leakage free, cooperative stories on the lines of super bazars will be encouraged with financial and technical support from Delhi government.
Women Safety: Despite the government facing flak for failing to crack down on crime against women, the Congress party’s manifesto seems to have failed to come up with any promise to make Delhi safer for women.
The Congress manifesto’s five point agenda on ‘Law and order: Focus on Women’ includes rather uninspiring measures such as special training of police force, gender training and increase women in the work force. The BJP strongly feels that there has to be complete modernisation of police force in Delhi, a special protection force for women is to be required. We also need fast track courts for such cases. But none of these measures are listed in Congress manifesto!
Statehood: Like 2008, Congress has made promise for full statehood. But what stopped Congress from getting full statehood  when there has been a Congress-led government at the Centre for nine years and Congress government in Delhi for 15 years. NDA led government had brought a bill on statehood to Delhi in 2003 but Sheila Dikshit and Congress in fact opposed it.
Laadli Scheme: To extend Ladli Scheme (that provides Rs 1 lakh financial assistance to a girl child who completes Class XII) to Qabil ladli (of additional Rs 50,000 to college going girls). But even the existing Ladli scheme has proved to be complete flop. The CAG report clearly says that almost half of the beneficiaries are getting dropped out of this scheme.
Education: Congress manifesto is saying that they will open new schools and start evening colleges. In last 15 years the Congress government has closed down atleast 80 government schools, not opened a single new college in DU and what stopped them from starting evening shift in all colleges of Delhi University?  The ground reality is quite different from their promises. Most of their promises have always remained on paper!
Shri Goel also slammed the Aam Aadmi Party for trying to misguide the people of Delhi by making promises on aspects, which fall outside the purview of Delhi government.
Shri Goel said, “AAP’s promise for the passage of Jan Lokpal Bill is a fake promise as even Anna Hazare said that it can only be passed by Parliament and not the Delhi Vidhan Sabha. AAP promises to give Delhi a full statehood ignoring the fact that it can only by granted by Parliament. AAP seems to have no idea about the federal scheme of India under the Constitution.”
The Delhi BJP has made its stand on all the critical issues very clear in its statements in recent times. The BJP reiterates its commitment to the progress of Delhi and welfare of people in the city. When voted to power, BJP will provide corruption free governance in Delhi

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