Vijay Goel

BJP ready to provide constructive cooperation to AAP government : Vijay Goel

The Delhi Bharatiya Janata Party President Shri Vijay Goel today said that the BJP is ready to sit in opposition and provide constructive cooperation to an Aam Aadmi party government.  
“The AAP had made many promises including two major promises of reducing power tariff by 50% and providing free water up to 700 litres per day. If AAP is really serious about fulfilling these promises then it should go ahead and form a government and BJP will provide whatever cooperation is required.  After all it has already celebrated its ‘victory’ at Jantar Mantar. Even Congress has clearly indicated that it will provide support to the AAP government. Then if it is really serious about fulfilling its promises, it should go ahead and do it.”
“If they do not form the government then it clear that the AAP was never serious about fulfilling these promises which were made with lot of fanfare,” he added.
“I hope that instead of giving moral lessons to others, the AAP now really gets down to fulfilling its promises.  The fact is that AAP has made several promises in a hurry jut to woo the voters. It still hasn’t made it clear that how it is going to implement them. In fact, with every passing day, the way AAP is trying to give different excuses exposes their intentions of making empty promises.”
Shri Goel said, “The BJP believes in providing constructive support to any initiative which serves the interest of Delhi. For us the interests of Delhi residents are above everything. We have been serving the people of Delhi and we would continue to do so.”
“While BJP has issued several detailed reports and has come out openly explaining the way it is going to implement its promises, the AAP has adopted a negative agenda. Instead of criticising all others, it should adopt a positive agenda as people of Delhi want a positive agenda.”

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