Vijay Goel

Overwhelming response on “Run for Unity” organised by Delhi BJP

Thousands of Delhi'ites from all walks of life  participated in hugely successful  “Run for Unity” organised by Delhi BJP today as a part of the nationwide programme to commemorate the 63rd death anniversary of iron man of India Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel. Those who participated in the even in Delhi included BJP National President Sh. Rajnath Singh, Leader of Opposition in Rajya Sabha Sh. Arun Jaitley, Delhi BJP President Sh. Vijay Goel and Leader of BJP legislative party in Delhi Assembly Dr. Harsh Vardhan.
The event was was held simultaneously at 1150 places all over the country. It is first of its kind event in terms of scale and level of participation of people.
Addressing the BJP cadres and participants at this event, BJP National President Sh. Rajnath Singh said, “Sh. Narendra Modi should be credited  for conceptualising and taking a lead in organising this programme  across the country. This is the world’s biggest youth programme.”
 Sh Jaitley  said that this event will act as an inspiration to all of us  to build strong India. Sardar Patel had played a pivotal role in shaping the destiny of India and the BJP stands committed to fufill the dreams of Sardar Patel.  
On this occasion, Delhi BJP President Sh. Vijay Goel said, “Run for Unity is the curtain raiser for the larger  movement known as “Statue of Unity” movement. The idea is to reach out every corner of the country to spread Sardar Patel’s ideals and in Delhi, the BJP cadres left no stone unturned to make it a successful campaign.”
Sh. Goel said that BJP’s Prime Ministerial candidate Sh. Narendra Modi is from the same state of Gujarat   from where Sardar Patel came. Sh. Modi who has been championing the cause of nationalistic forces  provides a new ray of hope to the India.
“The enthusiasm and keen participation from Delhi’ites in the “Run for Unity” is a great encouraging sign. It also indicates that people want to support nationalistic forces and  favour a strong and determined leadership,” he added.
“We have paid a humble tribute to a great Indian leader who unified our country ,” said Sh. Goel. He said, the BJP cadres actively participated in this run in large numbers in addition to large number of common people.

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