Vijay Goel

Promise made have been broken, no respite to common man under AAP-Cong govt: Vijay Goel

The Delhi Bharatiya Janata Party President Shri Vijay Goel today slammed the Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal for not adhering to the deadlines declared for various initiatives and brushing cases against corrupt Congress leaders under the carpet. 

“He and his ministerial colleagues are playing to the gallery and not doing any serious work. Mere symbolism will not help and the situation on administrative front has worsened over the last 10 days in the Capital. The AAP-Congress alliance government is proving to be a disaster for Delhi’ites. ,”said Shri Goel.
Shri Goel said, “The Chief Minister should answer why he has taken a U-turn on issue of corruption by the previous Congress government? Why he is asking for proof of former CM Smt. Sheila Dikshit’s corruption now when so many reports indicting her are there? Instead of putting corrupt Congress leaders behind bars why is he giving such lame excuses?”
“It is clear that in lieu of getting support from Congress, the AAP has decided to let the ‘big fish ‘of Congress go scot free,” he added.  Congress and AAP are, in fact, natural partners for alliance as leaders of both the parties are masters of the art of doublespeak.
Listing the announcements made by AAP which have remained only on paper Shri Goel said, “The corruption helpline was promised to be functional within 48 hours and it has been more than a week after that. Similarly 45 night shelters were announced to be functional for the homeless in the capital in 48 hours but even after several days they have not been functional. In fact NGOs running these shelters are lamenting the undue interference of AAP workers.
The Chief Minister had announced that he will take action on CNG price hike but he seems to have forgotten that! The water tariff for lakhs of consumers has been increased by 10%. The so called ‘free water’ measure will not benefit majority of households in the city.
AAP had promised reduction in power tariff for all but lakhs of consumers who consume more than 400 units per month have not been provided any respite. In fact the hard earned money of tax payers is being used to further fill the coffers of private Discoms. This would further affect the development work on the projects.
Shri Goel said, “AAP ministers are travelling on SUVs with VIP registration numbers. So it is clear that claims to travel by public transport by these ministers and Kejriwal were merely sham.”

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