Vijay Goel

Why Kejriwal is not filing complaints against ex-Chief minister and former ministers?: Vijay Goel

The Delhi Bharatiya Janata Party today announced that it will hold a ‘Dharna’ at Rajghat on Friday to highlight the anti-national and anti-people policies of AAP.” Supporting referendum in Kashmir, raising doubts over Batla House encounter and now protecting Congress’ leaders in Delhi from corruption charges are a clear evidence of the opportunism of AAP.” 
Addressing a joint press conference today, the Delhi BJP President Shri Vijay Goel and former Delhi BJP President Shri Vijender Gupta said, “The details of corruption done by Congress ministers and the Congress CM are there in the CAG reports, Shunglu Committee report and the judgments given by Lokayukta. What more proof is required for the Chief Minister Arving Kejriwal to move against them?”
“The fact is that after AAP formed as alliance with Congress to come to power, it has decided to put cases against Congress’ former ministers and former CM on backburner.  Otherwise there is no reason that even a single complaint has not been lodged against any of them during the last 10 days. The CM”
“It is the same Arvind Kejriwal who had come out with a 370 page charge sheet against the Congress. Had he really been honest about catching the big fish, he should have a lodged case against the former Congress ministers and the chief Minister during the last 10 days, But instead he is skirting the issue now by saying that the cases will be filed only after someone gives the proof of the graft by the Congress leaders,” said Shri Goel.
The BJP leaders said that most of the promises remain unfulfilled by AAP government. It has failed to check the rising prices in the city. In fact to add to woes of the people, it has hiked water tariff by 10% and has not been able to do anything on roll back of CNG promises despite making promises. The power tariff has been reduced for limited number of people while the promise was that reduction would be across the board. And In fact ever since the AAP-Congress alliance government has come to power, Delhi’ites are reeling under the pressure of price rise. There has been increase in water tariff, CNG prices and LPG prices.  Neither AAP, nor its alliance partner Congress, has made any move to provide respite to people of Delhi.
The BJP leaders also condemned the behaviour of some of its ministers. “We all know the way AAP ministers are behaving in an arrogant manner.  They have taken cars with VIP numbers, their chief minister was forced to quit a set of duplex after public furor, while another minister has taken two houses. It is very likely that other ministers will also take government accommodations.  It is clear that what they preach and practice does not match,” Shri Goel added.

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