Vijay Goel

AAP-Congress government failed to deliver anything, promoted anarchy in one month rule:Vijay Goel

A high level meeting of  Delhi BJP leaders has been convened on  January 29 at Delhi BJP office to finalise the programme for launching of “Ek Note, Bhajpa ko Vote” campaign  for Lok Sabha 2014. 
In a statement issued today, the Delhi BJP President Sh. Vijay  Goel said, “The BJP will be launching this door-to-door campaign as a part of the national campaign of the party conceived as “ek note, ek vote.”  The party workers will try and visit every household in the capital with an appeal to vote and support the BJP in coming Lok Sabha polls.”
“We are focussing on all sections of the society. The party is getting an overwhelming support  especially from the women, the youth and the poor. The BJP will launch a series of programmes which will be deliberated upon over the next few days in view of the coming Lok Sabha polls,” he added.
“It is clear after the AAP has failed to deliver in the last one month in Delhi that  people would be looking up to the BJP to provide good governance. We would reach out to every household to reinforce their confidence  in us,” said Sh. Goel.
Slamming the AAP government for doing nothing during its one month rule Sh. Goel said, “Even the Delhi High Court has today expressed its unhappiness over the way AAP has handled the issue of providing shelters to the homeless during winters in Delhi.
According to various estimates around 174 homeless people have died in Delhi during these winters. The CM and his colleagues were busy in holding dharna and criticising media while people have been dying on roads in Delhi. The Delhi government has failed to fulfil its responsibility.”
Sh. Goel said that he would undertake a padyatra this week to expose the AAP’s inaction. There is no governance in Delhi. Doctors are being dragged out of operation theatres by AAP workers while in the middle of conducting surgeries, women are being misbehaved with, AAP ministers are using abusive language, AAP workers are being deployed at government schools which is illegal, officials are demonstrating inside the secretariat against this government while guest teachers are and many other groups are demonstrating outside. Anyone who is criticising AAP  is being manhandled, abused, threatened .
“This display of arrogance, authoritarianism and complete lack of sincerity towards key governance related issued has come as a shocker to all Delhi’ites. Large numbers of announcements have been made but there has been no respite for the common people.
“The BJP will not relent and continue to expose the inaction of AAP-Congress alliance. The party demands immediate removal of law minister and implementation of promises made by AAP,” said Sh. Goel.

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My visions for Delhi stems from these inspiring words of Swami Vivekanada. I sincerely believe that Delhi has enough number of brave, bold men and women who can make it not only one of the best cities.

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