Vijay Goel

Vijay Goel to take up cause of ‘special status’ for Rajasthan to help in speedy development

The Delhi Bharatiya Janata Party President Shri Vijay Goel who filed nomination for Rajya Sabha in Jaipur today said that he would take up the cause of providing special status to Rajasthan in the parliament that would help a great deal in speedy development of the state. 
Shri Goel was accompanied by Rajasthan Chief Minister Smt. Vasundhra Raje, senior BJP leaders Smt. Kiran Maheshwari and Shri Srichand Kriplani while filing the nomination for the upper house of the parliament.
Earlier during the day Shri Goel attended the Rajasthan BJP legislature meet chaired by the Rajasthan Chief Minister. Addressing the legislators Shri Goel said that he would work hard to the best of his abilities to present case of Rajasthan and raise issues related to the state in the parliament.
“We will work together to achieve the 2025 vision of the chief minister to make Rajasthan a leading state on the development map of India. There are challenges in the power, water and several other sectors that can be met more effectively if Rajasthan gets a special status. Once the BJP led NDA comes to power at the Centre, I am sure that would help us to get the special status for the state.  Desertification is a major challenge in the state. To check this we need huge resources which would come by way of special status,” he added.
Expressing his gratitude to the party leadership and the Rajasthan BJP leaders and legislators for choosing him to be made member of Rajya Sabha from the state Shri Goel said, “I am sure with collective hardwork and under the dynamic leadership of Smt. Vasundhra Raje, the BJP will win all 25 Lok Sabha seats in the state.”
“As Delhi BJP President, I am confident that we will make a clean sweep of all seven Lok Sabha seats in Delhi also,” said Shri Goel.
Talking to the media after filing his nomination Sh. Goel said, “In Rajasthan, under the leadership of Smt vasundhra Raje and with hardwork of lakhs of BJP cadres, the party scored a historic victory by getting two-third majority. In days to come, I am confident that the dreams for the state will be realised by the sincere efforts and dedication of the BJP government in the state.”
Shri Goel said, “The BJP workers are now fully geared up to repeat the results of Rajasthan results at the national level and to ensure that Shri Narendra Modi becomes the prime minister of the country. This would ensure that India is ushered into a new era of growth and development.”

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