Vijay Goel

AAP government busy in dharnas, little time for administration leading to series of crisis: Vijay Goel

The Delhi BJP President Shri Vijay Goel today announced that the party will launch a massive agitation  against the ‘power cuts’ announced  by BSES in Trans-Yamuna area and the AAP government’s failure to come up with a back-up plan. 
“The party will hold a demonstration at Bhajanpura on Saturday, February 1. This will mark the beginning of our ‘Bijl Andloan’. We waited for one month for this government to act but the situation has worsened. There are unscheduled power cuts for long hours already happening in several parts of the city and now there is a possibility of 10-hour long power cuts in Trans-Yamuna area,” said Shri Goel.
The Bijli Andolan will expose the false promises made by the AAP and its mishandling of the power sector so far. The much hyped power bills reduction is not reflected in the power bills. The announcement has remained in paper and people continue to get inflated bills. On top of that there are power cuts and now there is a distinct possibility of 10-hour long power cuts in the city.
Shri Goel said, “No power sector company can be allowed to hold Delhi’ites at ransom. The worst part is that the half-baked attempts of AAP government has messed up the power sector scenario in the capital. Where is the back-up plan to ensure that there are no power cuts? The Chief Minister should have been well aware that such situation could happen. He didn’t make any preparations for that. So now the Delhi’ites are left at the mercy of power companies.”
The BJP had come out with a well chalked out plan of reducing the power tariff for all consumers. But what AAP government did was to make some announcements that were not to be fulfilled. Further, it failed to reign in the power companies. He did not initiate any action against these power companies for the power cuts during the last month. Why has the government not done anything to rectify the electricity metres which are running so fast?
Shri Goel said that the latest crisis is another example of the anarchy prevailing within the Delhi government. The Chief Minister and ministers are busy in haggling cops and creating trouble for the people by holding dharnas. Had they focused on governing the city, this crisis would have been averted well in time. But probably this government’s strategy is to create crisis where there is no crisis. “There is criminal neglect of administration on every front and this cannot be accepted any more,” said Shri Goel.

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