Vijay Goel

BJP fully geared up to clean sweep all seven Lok Sabha seats in Delhi: Vijay Goel

The Delhi Bharatiya Janata Party today launched  its “Ek note-Kamal par vote” campaign in Delhi   with a target to touch every household in the city under the Mission 272 plus. The campaign was kicked off by BJP national president Sh. Rajnath Singh in the presence of thousands of BJP workers at Constitution Club. 
Under this month long campaign, tThe Delhi BJP  will collect the donations from every home for the election campaign for Lok Sabha through 12000 boxes each of which will be taken in a different area of the Capital. The party workers will also ask the voters to cast a symbolic vote while collecting the money.
Addressing the party workers, BJP National President Sh. Rajnath Singh said that the writing on the wall is clear that the whole country is looking for a change for the betterment and BJP led NDA has emerged as the only viable alternative.
Sh. Singh said this campaign would help to strengthen the bond between people and the party. The workers must try and reach every home.   The people of this country are tired of the  rampant corruption and inflation and  opportunistic policies of Congress led UPA. They are looking for a change and BJP is capable of that.
Addressing the party workers Sh. Singh said, “The Delhi BJP President  Sh. Vijay Goel said that the party has chalked out a plan for the Lok Sabha campaign and is fully geared up. “We will win all seven Lok Sabha seats with a handsome margin. That will be our humble contribution in the mission to  bring a BJP led NDA government at the centre which will be able led by the “Vikas-purush” Sh. Narendra Modi. His growing popularity cuts across castes, religions, communities and geographical boundaries,” said Sh. Goel.
Sh. Goel urged the party workers to expose AAP’s U-turn and alliance with corrupt Congress during this campaign. “There is anarchy in Delhi and people of Delhi are feeling betrayed by the way administration is handled. The AAP government has failed to meet the promises it made. Announcements are galore but the impact on gorund is zero. Ask any Delhi’ite and he or she would tell you how pathetic this government is,” said Sh. Goel.
The leader of opposition in Delhi Dr. Harsh Vardhan said, “It is time to throw out the corrupt government and usher into a new era of development. This campaign will play a crucial part in creating more awareness about BJP’s policies and agenda.”

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