MP Vijay Goel said that that Kejriwal government itself is thoroughly confused about the scheme. Secondly, it is misleading the public on the scheme and is using taxpayer money amounting to crores of rupees to publicize the face of the CM.
Mr. Goel has declared that the 67 MLAs of AAP at various locations in the city will be presented with a flower along with a demand letter that shall bring to light how the odd even scheme has been implemented without any planning and preparation and hence the public is suffering and the pollution levels are indeed increasing. The letter will also demand an account of crores of rupees spent on the scheme without any answerability. Furthermore, the letter will list the problems the common public is facing due to this scheme. The gross corruption that is being practiced under the garb of the scheme will also be highlighted in the letter.
Mr. Goel said that we are actively recruiting volunteers for this drive. The volunteers will go on motorcycles and scooters wearing a distinct T-shirt to meet AAP MLAs and will humbly present them a flower and the demand letter along with a request to cooperate.
These MLAs are elected representatives of the public but their head of government is practicing anarchy and forcing people; this should end immediately.
Mr. Goel said that the Delhi government is deliberately confusing people under the name of Odd even scheme to divert attention from issues like availability of water, electricity, facilities in illegal colonies and slums etc. The AAP government is implementing the scheme as if it were a game of Ludo.
Transport Minister Mr. Gopal Rai in self-praise has already declared the success of the scheme but the public is negating this claim. If he is so convinced with the success of the scheme then why doesn’t he declare the permanency of the scheme? By giving a statement that in future even two wheelers will have to comply with the scheme, the CM is scaring people who use two wheelers.
Mr. Goel said that if this scheme was thought through and implemented with proper planning then this scheme could have been successful but now only the public will give its verdict. The government’s short sightedness and ridiculous expenditure on the publicity has not only annoyed the public but also failed a policy that could have been a success. The last time round I was the first person to cycle and show my support for the scheme. But, now the AAP government is only interested in making money from this scheme.
Mr. Goel said that he is not against any good scheme but he is working towards improving the scheme and showing direction to the AAP government.