Vijay Goel

Delhi Deputy CM & Education Minister Shri Manish Sisodiahas agreed with Shri Vijay Goel’s demand for providing preference in admission to Delhi Students in Delhi University.

Delhi Deputy CM & Education Minister Shri Manish Sisodiahas agreed with Shri Vijay Goel’s demand for providing preference in admission to Delhi Students in Delhi University.
A delegation led by MrGoel met Mr. Sisodia and discussed with him that how injustice is being done to the 2-2.5 lakh Delhi students every year, who have passed Senior Secondary Exam from Delhi and are not getting admission in their own state.
Mr. Sisodia has agreed with all the three demands raised by Mr. Goel and has assured Mr. Goel that he will now work for the betterment of Delhi students. The demands raised by Mr. Goel are: –
85% seats to be reserved in the 28 Colleges, which are funded by the Delhi Government out of total 61 Colleges in Delhi University.
5% relaxation must be given on the cut off list to the students, who have passed Senior Secondary from Delhi in preference to students come from other States.
There should be an eligibility entrance test across colleges in Delhi University so that students, who resort to unfair practices such as corruption, cheating, represent false marksheet and other malpractices in order to get admission in Delhi University could be stopped.
Mr.Goel also said that there are 18 colleges in the University of Delhi which are 100% funded by Delhi Government. We must definitely keep 85% reservation for Delhi Students in these colleges. Colleges such as Delhi Technology University, NetajiSubhash Institute of Technology & Guru Gobind Singh IP University already have 85% reservation for Delhi Students.
ShriGoel also said that every State Government has its own Education Board. How can we compare these Boards with CBSE? One cannot expect same examination system and same marking systems in different Boards.
Mr. Goel further stated that it is very sad for the people, who are living in Delhi since many years & unable to admit their wards in Delhi University and are thus forced to admit their wards either in costly Private Colleges or have to send their wards outside Delhi for admission.  
Mr. Goel also appealed to Mr. Sisodia that Delhi Government should open new universities & colleges & should also start Evening classes in already run Delhi Govt. colleges.
Mr. Goel said if required both he and Mr. Sisodia will meet Union Education Minister Smt. SmritiIrani for this cause for further discussing the issue.

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