Vijay Goel

Sahyog March to be held in Paharganj to support demonetisation against Black Money

In order to counter the rumour mongering and and provocative statements by the Opposition parties against PM Narendra Modi’s bold move of demonetisation against black money,
Minister of State for Youth Affairs and Sports Vijay Goel will lead a Sahyog March for which a special meeting was held today. The team has been named “Youth Against Back Money” and the strategy to counter the Opposition’s rumour mongering and lies was discussed at Goel’s residence.

Goel said that such teams would be created across Delhi who would help the public in creating awareness and helping them with various rules relating to demonetisation. Goel further stated that leaders of Opposition parties are disturbed with PM Modi’s growing popularity post this bold decision and hence resorted to rumour mongering and creating misconceptions among the public to deter the transition process. These parties are only concerned about their political gains and not worried about the public.

Goel attacked Congress leader Kapil Sibal and said that the current government is not ineffective like Manmohan Singh’s and swift action have been taken to help all who have been in need. The Opposition instead of praising the government’s pro-people approach is hell bent to create problems and create confusion among the public regarding demonetisation.

Attacking former PM Manmohan Singh, Goel said that despite being an economist Singh never spoke a word about the scams during his tenure which lead to accumulation of black money. Opposition has united against one man due to his growing popularity among masses otherwise these parties never come closer given the difference in their ideologies and style of working.

Goel mentioned that queues outside banks have reduced as cash flow has increased and majority of ATMs have been recalibrated. A mega march will begin from Paharganj railway station on 27th November, 2016 to expose the divisive forces that have been misguiding the public. The volunteers will sport blue t-shirts with a social message and will join Vijay Goel to discuss positives of demonetisation with senior citizens and people from other walks of life to create awareness among all.

Goel has also stated that he and the volunteers will enlighten the business communities about digital payment methods that will bring in transparency and enable ease of business. Lok Abhiyan and many other organisations will be part of the Sahyog March.

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