Former Delhi BJP President and Union Minister Vijay Goel today visited Old Rajinder Nagar to check and interact with the traders affected by the recent demolition drive. Goel inspected the shops damaged due to encroachment removal drive in the market area and also instructed officials to ensure complete transparency in the entire process.He further instructed that the rubble lying on the road should be cleared immediately in public interest.
Goel strongly emphasized that strict action must be taken against officials, engineers who are hand in glove in encroachment. Goel strongly emphasized that there are some engineers and officials who are hand in glove in the encroachment process and take bribe to pass plans. “I am sure that once reconstruction takes place in future, some of these officials will once again take bribes to enable encroachment and illegal construction”, Goel added.
Local traders complained to Goel that officials are discriminating in implementation of the Supreme Court order on encroachment removal. Taking a serious view of the situation he immediately instructed officials not to discriminate in execution of Supreme Courts orders.Looking at the hardships and difficultiesfaced by local shopkeepers and traders, he instructed the officials to clear the rubble lying in the area due to demolition activities.Goel visited the entire area by foot and also discussed the issue with office bearers of Traders Association and local shopkeepers.
Goel said that he came on the request of traders and shopkeepers to take stock of the situation created due to demolition activities. He said that if he told traders ‘that if any Government Official harasses them by going against the rules they should immediately complain to him.He informed that on issues concerning the general public, he is always available to raise the issues and resolve them with the concerned authorities.