The BJP is celebrating the anniversary of the Emergency as a Black Day on June 25, 1975. The Union Minister, Vijay Goel, has number of documents and correspondence saved for more than four decades at New Delhi’s Rajiv Check Metro Stations, Gate no.6.
Mr. Goyal's father, Charti Lal Goyal (former Speaker of the Legislative Assembly) was arrested on the very first day of the Emergency under MISA, he was arrested in Ambala jail for 19 months. At the same time, Vijay Goyal was arrested for Satyagraha in Tihar jail. The father-son's correspondence was from a prison to another jail, it has also been shown in the exhibition.
In this exhibition organized by Vijay Goel, the Union Minister Ram Bilas Paswan, Thavarchand Gahlaut, Giriraj Singh and MP Kalraj Mishra were present as the Chief Guest.
Shri Goyal recalled the days of emergency and said that the Congress did not learn anything from the way the democracy was assassinated during the Emergency. The Congress is still engaged in constant attack on constitutional and democratic institutions whether it is Parliament, Election Commission or Judiciary.
Shri Goyal said that during 43 years since 1975, a generation has changed, they can not imagine that one lakh forty thousand people were imprisoned in the emergency, censorship was held on the press, judiciary was intimidated, forcibly Sterilization took place and human rights were abrogated. It is very important to remind the new generation about emergency every year.
Union Minister Shri Ram Bilas Paswan said that we all need to learn lesson from Emergency so that no one can mislead the future again. In the exhibition, the letter written by Mr. Arun Jaitley, forty three years ago to Vijay Goel, was displayed with other letters. In the exhibition, Tihar Jail was also made visible in how people were punished in prisons. Copies of the literature of the time were 'Janvani', 'Mashal', 'Pratishodh', 'Mini Madrland', which used to be printed was demonstrated . Even the leaders of opposition parties who had opposed the Emergency at that time were also photographed. The correspondence that had happened with Vijay Goyal was also there in exhibition.
On this occasion, Union Minister Thawrechand Gehlaut said that Indira Gandhi had strangled not just democracy but also media by imposing emergency. Member of Parliament Shri Kalraj Mishra said that the Congress created such a worst situation that there was no alternative other than the movement in front of the public.