Vijay Goel

Goel’s Dhol Andolan reached the slums of Daya Basti.

If someone wants to see hell, then he goes to the Daya Basti slum in Delhi, where the drain, sewer, road and Kharunja are all the problems. If there is a fire accidentally in the gas cylinder, the lanes are so narrow that it can be difficult to save lives.

Addressing a crowd of thousands of people in Daya Basti, the Union Minister and former BJP Delhi Delhi President Vijay Goel started his Dhol Andolan in Delhi’s slum.
Goel said that Kejriwal is misleading slum dwellers on light & water. Before Kejriwal came into the power, slum got water from the tankers or handpumps, they did not even pay the water. Now, due to this Government residents of slums are being forced to pay high electric and water bills.  Slum children said that their schools do not have any education and there is no facility of any kind in the Delhi Schools for them.
Goel blame Kejriwal for depriving poor people of Delhi by not allowing policies of the Modi Government for poor people.  Central Government has started two major schemes for poor people, 'Ayushman Bharat', in which poor people can get treatment of up to Rs 5 lakh and the 'Prime Minister Housing Scheme'. Both of these schemes are not allowed to apply by Kejriwal, due to which the slum dwellers are not benefitted.

Enthused by thousands of people, Goel, announced that he would open open the pole of the Kejriwal government by playing drum. Goel said the two corrupt parties Congress and the Aam Aadmi Party are afraid of BJP, and the coalition is ready even after accusing each other of allegations of corruption. The 'knife in the mouth in the mouth' is a condition of both parties.

Goel said that gambling, liquor, drugs are increasing in slums. They are doing a survey against the Kejriwal government. There is a need to run a movement against all kinds of drugs. Thousands of people raised their hands and shouted 'Kejirwal Bhagao, save Delhi'. In this movement Goel, Councilor Jai Prakash, Chandni Chowk, District President Arvind Garg, Parshad Preeti Nayyar, Praveen Jain were also present.

Vision for Delhi

My visions for Delhi stems from these inspiring words of Swami Vivekanada. I sincerely believe that Delhi has enough number of brave, bold men and women who can make it not only one of the best cities.

My vision for Delhi is that it should be a city of opportunities where people

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