Vijay Goel

The Hindu- Will bring together leaders who have quit AAP: Goel

Union Minister and former Delhi BJP chief Vijay Goel has offered to bring “all leaders who have quit” the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) on to a “common platform”.

Mr. Goel said that AAP convener Arvind Kejriwal “stands isolated in politics” and was now “begging” other political parties to “save” his party in Punjab, Haryana and Delhi. He added that Mr. Kejriwal was responsible for being in the position since he had “betrayed the faith that the common people had bestowed upon him”.

“I warned people to not fall into the trap of AAP and the Congress because these parties are coming together in their lust for power… will their alliance last only till the Lok Sabha polls or will it continue even till the upcoming Assembly polls? And if so, who will be their chief ministerial candidate?” Mr. Goel said.

The Union Minister said he would bring on to a “common platform” all the leaders “who have left AAP so that they can expose the real face of Kejriwal”.

“While interacting with morning walkers on the eve of Holi, I was told that the people had brought Mr. Kejriwal to power because he was fighting against Sheila Dikshit’s corruption. Since Mr. Kejriwal is now trying to join hands with her, he should ask the public in mohalla sabhas and RWA meetings whether AAP should really forge an alliance with the Congress,” he said.

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