Vijay Goel

Business Standard- Will Kejriwal withdraw corruption charges against Dikshit if unholy alliance is formed: Goel

With the Congress again mulling a tie up with the AAP in Delhi, Union Minister Vijay Goel Tuesday sought to corner both the parties asking if Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal will withdraw charges of corruption against Sheila Dikshit or will the Delhi Congress chief resign from her position.

Goel said in case an alliance is formed between the Congress and Aam Aadmi Party, Dikshit should either tender her resignation or accept the serious charges of corruption levelled by Kejriwal against her.

The Union Minister said in 2013, Kejriwal vowed that he will put Sheila Dikshit behind bars within 24 hours of getting elected alleging she is "smeared with colours of corruption" related to commonwealth games, water tankers scam among others.

"It is ironical that Sheila Dikshit herself is the Delhi Pradesh Congress President and under her leadership this unholy alliance is getting formed.

"I wanted to ask whether Kejriwal will withdraw his serious charges of corruption against her or will she resign from her position," Goel said.

Days after having unanimously decided to go it alone in Delhi, the Congress is again mulling options to align with the Aam Aadmi Party in the national capital, with NCP leader Sharad Pawar actively involved in getting the two parties together.

Goel said he will light a fire against the "corruption of Congress and AAP" on the eve of Holi on March 19.

Dikshit, has earlier made it clear that aligning with AAP will not be in the party's interests keeping in view the assembly election in the national capital slated later.

However, AICC general secretary in-charge of Delhi Congress, PC Chacko, said: "I am in consultation with Congress party leaders in Delhi on the possibilities of forging an alliance with AAP.

"The Congress Working Committee has decided to align with like-minded parties across the country to defeat the BJP in Lok Sabha elections.

"I hope Delhi Congress leaders also go by this sentiment and decide on an alliance with AAP, but a final decision will be taken by the Congress president very soon," Chacko told PTI.

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