Bharatiya Janata Party Leader and Former Union Minister Vijay Goel on Thursday slammed Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal and challenged him for an open debate over the water crisis in the national capital. Goel also grilled the Delhi Jal Board (DJB) office for “failing” to supply water in Delhi.
‘The problem of water in Delhi is appalling but the Chief Minister is not ready to accept any problem. I give an open challenge to Kejriwal Ji to argue over water in Delhi wherever he pleases’, said Vijay Goel in a tweet.
He had earlier this week held an overnight Dharna outside the Delhi Jal Board (DJB) Office. Speaking to media Goel dismissed the charges made by DJB vice chairman and AAP MLA Dinesh Mohaniya of vandalizing the board office on Tuesday during Dharna. He said, AAP MLA Mohaniya is lying and the reality is that the DJB is failed on every front.AdvertisementHe further said that entire the national capital is facing water crisis, but Arvind Kejriwal’s government is doing nothing but sleeping.
Bharatiya Janata Party Leader Vijay Goel, DJB member Jai Prakash, MLA OP Sharma along with party workers held overnight Dharna at the board office on Tuesday night.
Addressing a Press Conference, Vijay Goel said that ‘DJB CEO and other members of the Board have given a written assurance that they will examine the issues raised and action will be taken accordingly’.
He further added that he will continue his protest against the “water shortage” in Delhi.
However, responding to the allegation, AAP leaders, including Raghav Chadha and Mohaniya, accused Delhi BJP of creating a drama over the issue in view of the assembly polls due early next year.