Vijay Goel

Muslim women celebrate passing of triple talaq bill at Goel’s residence

Only Modi can give us relief from dowry, say Muslim women
Muslims would never forgive Congress & AAP for stalling the bill – Goel 

New Delhi, July 31, 2019: Hundreds of Muslim women gathered today at the residence of Rajya Sabha MP and former BJP Delhi President Vijay Goel to thank Prime Minister Narendra Modi on getting the Triple Talaq bill passed in the parliament. Union Minister Prakash Javdekar was also present along with Goel at his residence while the women celebrated and exchanged the sweets on getting rid of the triple talaq curse.
Sharing her happiness, a Muslim woman named Shaira said that she profusely thanks PM Modi for upholding the rights of the Muslim women to live freely since many of them earlier used to live in fear of losing their marriage. Another woman named Rizwana said that Muslim husbands would often threaten to say “talaq” over petty issues, but now women don’t fear such threats. Samira said that it is a big victory for Muslim women and expressed her gratitude to the Modi government for making the cruel husbands deprive of the weapon of “talaq”.
All women hailed the decision of the Modi government and said banning a triple talaq was a progressive step in the right direction. The Muslim women requested Goel to make them meet PM Modi so that they can express their gratitude in person to the Prime Minister. They said that after triple talaq, they feel Modi alone can also offer them relief from the menace of dowry.
Goel said that that the entire country watched how the Congress and the AAP stalled the passage of the bill in Rajya Sabha, while the Congress had supported in Lok Sabha earlier. The Congress had been betraying the Muslim community for long and hence its tally in Lok Sabha stands at 52 today from 414 in 1984 when it had undermined the Muslims in Shah Bano case. He said the Muslim community would never forgive the Congress for not supporting them on the issue of women empowerment and gender justice.
Union Minister Prakash Javdekar said that the Congress deliberately stalled the bill because it was concerned about its vote bank. He said every community faces some or another social malpractice which need to be shunned at the earliest. There are several Islamic countries such as Saudi Arab, UAE, Pakistan, and Bangladesh among others where triple talaq is already banned.

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