Vijay Goel

Toy Bank

During my anti-lottery campaign days in late 1980s, I met different people living in extreme poverty. The ones I clearly remember, from these slums, were children who suffered neglect and were denied every basic human right. What surprised me was that these children nevertheless were happy and content, and were unaware of the state of their surroundings. This left an indelible mark on my mind and I decided to do something for them. A thought rose to mind, what could offer joy to a child than a toy to play? And thus the Toy Bank came into existence to offer toys to the needy children, to assist them live a better childhood.

The Toy Bank as the name suggests houses toys, toys which are old and discarded. The toy donors can call the volunteers for home-pick or leave them at one of the many collection centers across Delhi. These toys are then refurbished and stored in the Adarshila Library, in Pitampura, before they are distributed among kids in JJ Colonies, MCD schools, orphanages, and at shelters for street kids.

Initially every child was issued one toy at a time, which they could exchange it for another when they were done playing with the first. The reason was to inculcate in these kids a sense of responsibility.

We approached several public schools and encouraged them to donate toys. The initiative witnessed success and the idea caught on. We have collected over 15 lakh toys impacting the lives of 5 lakh+ children in 24 different states so far. Collection drives are organized on special occasions such as children’s day and the birth anniversaries of renowned public figures. Individuals who are interested in joining this project can contact us, so that every child can have a happy and memorable childhood. More details on

Vision for Delhi

My visions for Delhi stems from these inspiring words of Swami Vivekanada. I sincerely believe that Delhi has enough number of brave, bold men and women who can make it not only one of the best cities.

My vision for Delhi is that it should be a city of opportunities where people

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Recycling toys-recycling smiles.
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