Vijay Goel

In News

Healthcare system in Delhi in shambles, patients suffering – Goel

Goel attacks Sisodia on offer to help Bihar, advises not to indulge in theatrics
New Delhi, June 19, 2019: Attacking Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia over his offer to help Bihar today, BJP leader and former BJP Delhi President Vijay Goel said that Sisodia should stop indulging in theatrics and refrain from politicizing the deaths of kids in Bihar.
Goel said it would have served Sisodia better had he first looked at the conditions of the government hospitals in Delhi. The conditions have come to such a pass that patients are lying on floors in corridors because there is an acute shortage of beds. By the Delhi government’s own admission, Mohalla Clinics are highly inadequate in numbers to even cater to the needs of Delhiites. The few they have setup suffer from the unavailability of essential medicines and other facilities. The electoral promises of CM Arvind Kejriwal of hiring thousands of doctors, paramedical staff, and opening new hospitals remain unfulfilled even after four and a half years.
Goel said that lakhs of poor people across India have been benefitted by Ayushman Bharat, but the Kejriwal government deliberately stalled its implementation in Delhi fearing the scheme would benefit the BJP and further increase the popularity of Modi. The people of Delhi are being made to suffer because of the narrow political interests of Kejriwal. 

The Pioneer- Goel wants people to raise voice against Govt

Senior Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader Vijay Goel appealed to the people of Delhi to protest against Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on issues of water and electricity.

Addressing the gathering of the Co-operative Housing Society Federation in Indraprastha Extension of Patparganj, Goel said that people should come out in open against the water shortage and increase in fixed charges in electricity bills.

Goel said that he would mobilize all group housing societies to solve all their problems. “The Kejriwal Government has not done any work on pollution and Yamuna in Delhi and, he must not be forgiven. No new school, hospital or college has opened in Delhi,” he said.

अमर उजाला- बिजली बिल के फिक्स चार्ज को लेकर भाजपा ने आप पर साधा निशाना, गोयल बोले- केजरीवाल बना रहे मूर्ख

बिजली बिल के फिक्स चार्ज को लेकर भाजपा ने आम आदमी पार्टी पर निशाना साधा है। दिल्ली सरकार के सस्ती बिजली के नारे को भी झूठा करार दिया है। भाजपा के पूर्व अध्यक्ष विजय गोयल ने मीडिया से कहा कि फिक्स चार्ज की जांच होनी चाहिए। इसके बाद पर्दाफाश हो जाएगा कि सरकार सस्ती बिजली बिल के नाम पर लोगों को मूर्ख बना रही है।

आरडब्ल्यूए ज्वाइंट फ्रंट के बीएस वोहरा व ऊर्जा संस्था के महासचिव सौरभ गांधी, बिजली क्षेत्र में काम करने वाली चेतना संस्था के सदस्य अनिल सूद के साथ संयुक्त संवाददाता सम्मेलन में विजय गोयल मीडिया से मुखातिब हुए। उन्होंने कहा कि मुख्यमंत्री अरविंद केजरीवाल अब तक यह कहते थे कि बिजली के दाम हाफ-पानी माफ, लेकिन ना पानी मिल रहा है और ना बिजली के बढ़े हुए फिक्स चार्ज के बाद बिजली सस्ती है। खुद केजरीवाल ने एक चार्ट जारी किया, जिसमें शीला दीक्षित सरकार और अपनी सरकार की तुलना की है। यह दिखाया गया है कि कांग्रेस सरकार होती तो हर तीन साल में 73 प्रतिशत दाम बढ़ते, जबकि सच्चाई इससे अलग है। बिजली बिल में 30 प्रतिशत तक बढ़ोतरी हो गई है।

फिक्स चार्ज की बढ़ोतरी से जनता से वसूला गया 7000 करोड़ रुपया जनता को वापस किया जाए। दिल्ली इलेक्ट्रिसिटी रेग्यूलेटरी कॉरपोरेशन (डीईआरसी) आम आदमी पार्टी की कठपुतली की तरह काम कर रहा है।

The Hindu- BJP accuses CM, Dikshit of ‘befooling’ Delhiites

The BJP on Saturday accused Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal and Delhi Congress chief Sheila Dikshit of “befooling” the people of Delhi on issues related to power bills.

BJP MP Vijay Goel alleged that the Aam Aadmi Party government had hiked fixed charges leading to a 30% rise in electricity prices and demanded that it return ₹7,000 crore to consumers collected from these “high fixed charges”.

“If a government hikes the electricity and power prices, it may be out of compulsion, but if the government fools its own people then that government could only be Kejriwal’s,” Mr. Goel alleged at a press conference here which he addressed along with RWA Joint Front convener B.S. Vohra, URD general secretary Saurabh Gandhi and Anil Sood from ‘Chetna’.

“Mr. Kejriwal himself released a chart, comparing the electricity bills in his tenure vis-à-vis Sheila ji’s tenure, and said that had Sheila Dikshit been in power, the electricity prices would have shot up by 73% every three years. This is a cruel joke because the fact is barring the slab of 1 KW, electricity prices have gone up in all the remaining slabs,” Mr. Goel alleged.

The former Union Minister further said that the 1 KW slab was “not significant enough” because this slab was not “used even in slums where people have television, fans, cooler, and heaters”.

Mr. Goel argued further that the Delhi Chief Minister had sought to argue that Ms. Dikshit been in power, the public would have suffered immensely but, he alleged, his own government had hiked fixed charges which led to “high electricity bills”.

“Electricity bills show the fixed charges has shot up by 30% in the three year period of 2016-2019. Earlier, people were charged ₹600/KW as the security deposit, but today ₹900/KW is being charged which is an increase of 50%. Similarly, in the case of 5 KW or more, people are paying deposits of ₹1,200 which was ₹600 earlier,” he claimed.

‘Return ₹7,000 crore’

“The ₹7,000 crore, that the Kejriwal government has collected by hiking fixed charges, should be returned to the people of Delhi…Even after being in power for past four and a half years, Chief Minister Kejriwal is still to act upon on his electoral promises of setting up Delhi’s own power station to meet peak power demand, promises to revive the Rajghat power plant, introducing competition among discoms and turning Delhi into the solar city, all remain unfulfilled,” he added.

संजीवनी टुडे – बिजली, पानी के मुद्दे पर केजरीवाल का विरोध करें लोग: विजय गोयल

नई दिल्ली। पूर्व केंद्रीयमंत्री एवं भारतीय जनता पार्टी (भाजपा) के राज्यसभा सदस्य विजय गोयल ने दिल्ली की जनता से अपील की है कि वे पानी और बिजली के मुद्दे पर मुख्यमंत्री अरविंद केजीरवाल का खुलकर विरोध करें। लोगों को पानी की कमी के साथ गंदे पानी की आपूर्त होने और बिजली के फिक्स दाम बढ़ाये जाने पर मुख्यमंत्री के सामने आना चाहिए।

यह बात उन्होंने रविवार को द्वारका की 300 ग्रुप हाउसिंग सोसायटियों के फेडरेशन की सभा में कही। गोयल ने कहा, दिल्ली में 1900 ग्रुप हाउसिंग सोसायटी हैं। इनके एफएआर को बढ़ाकर रिडवलपमेंट की जरूरत है, क्योंकि यह 40 से 50 साल पुरानी हो चुकी हैं। इनसे बिजली, पानी के साथ प्रॉपर्टी टैक्स ज्यादा वसूला जा रहा है। डीडीए की सोसायटियों की तरह इनका रखरखाव भी नहीं किया जा रहा है, जबकि इनमें 10 लाख से ज्यादा लोग रहे रहे हैं। फेडरेशन की मांग है कि सड़कों, स्ट्रीट लाइटों और मकानों का रखरखाव सरकार वैसे ही करे जैसे हाउस बिल्डिंग सोसायटी एरिया में होती है। 

पूर्व केंद्रीय मंत्री ने कहा कि वे सभी ग्रुप हाउसिंग सोसायटियों को लामबंद कर समस्याओं को हल कराएंगे। उन्होंने कहा, केजरीवाल सरकार ने दिल्ली में प्रदूषण और यमुना नदी की सफाई पर कुछ भी कार्य नहीं किया। लोगों के स्वास्थ्य के साथ खिलवाड़ किया है। इसके के लिए उन्हें माफ नहीं किया जाना चाहिए।

गोयल ने कहा कि बिजली के विषय पर आम आदमी पार्टी के मुखिया अरविंद केजरीवाल जनता से झूठ बोल रहे हैं कि दिल्ली में बिजली के दाम कम हुए हैं। हकीकत यह है कि कम से कम 30 प्रतिशत लोगों के बिल बढ़ गए हैं। दिल्ली में पानी का मैनेजमैंट बहुत खराब है। आज आधी राजधानी की जनता या तो प्यासी मर रही है या गंदा पानी पीने को मजूबर है।

People should protest against Kejriwal on water and power problems

Goel addressed gathering of Group Housing Societies Federation
in Dwarka 
Public must come forward on clean Delhi 

New Delhi, June 16, 2019: Senior BJP leader and former BJP Delhi
President Vijay Goel appealed to the people of Delhi to protest against
Kejriwal on issues of water and electricity. People should come out in open
against the water shortage and increase in fixed charges in electricity bills. 
Goel was speaking today in the meeting convened by the Federation of 300
Group Housing Societies in Dwarka. In Delhi, there are 1900 group housing
societies whose problems are not being taken care of. Goel addressed the
gathering of the Co-operative Housing Society Federation in Indraprastha
Extension of Patparganj yesterday, and hundreds of members of another
Society in Dwarka today. Former legislator Rajesh Gehlot and councilor Nitika
Sharma also addressed the gathering today.
Various RWA of Societies shared their problems with Goel.
Goel said that the FAR of the societies needs to be increased for
redevelopment because these societies are 40 to 50 years old. Electricity,
water, property taxes are being collected in huge sums and they are not being
maintained like other DDA societies.
More than 1 million people live in these nearly 1900 societies. These societies
want their roads, streetlights, houses to be maintained in the same way as is
being done in the House Building Society Area. Parking and other facilities are
also needed.
Goel said that he would mobilize all group housing societies to solve all their
problems. The Kejriwal government has not done any work on pollution and
Yamuna in Delhi and, he must not be forgiven. No new school, hospital or
college has opened in Delhi.
Goel said Kejriwal is lying that electricity bills have not increased, while the
fact is that at least 30 percent of the people's bill has increased, including
those of poor slum dwellers. Due to the poor management of water in Delhi
today, Delhi is either thirsty or drinking dirty water.
For the past one month, Goel has been addressing the people in parks daily in
the morning at 6.30 a.m and tell the public how they can take care of their city

while cooperating in the cleanliness and other schemes of Prime Minister
Narendra Modi.

Hiked fixed charges led to 30% rise in electricity prices

Kejriwal befooled Sheila and Delhiites on electricity bills
Return back Rs 7000 crore collected from high fixed charges – Goel 
DERC is Kejriwal’s puppet 

New Delhi, 15 June, 2019: If a government hikes the electricity and power prices, it may be out of its compulsion, but if the government fools its own people then that government could only be Kejriwal’s.
BJP leader and former BJP Delhi President Vijay Goel, while addressing a press conference along with RWA Joint Front convener B S Vohra, URD General Secretary Saurabh Gandhi and Anil Sood from ‘Chetna’, said that while Kejriwal has been making tall claims of free water and half power prices, the reality is Delhi is facing acute water crisis and the electricity prices have shot up by 30% after the Kejriwal government hiked the fixed charges in electricity bills. (Calculations have been mentioned in the chart shared with you)
Goel said that Kejriwal himself released a chart, comparing the electricity bills in his tenure vis-à-vis Sheila Ji’s tenure, and said that had Sheila Dikshit been in the power, the electricity prices would have shot up by 73% every three years.  This is a cruel joke because the fact is barring the slab of 1kw, electricity prices have gone up in all the remaining slabs. 1 kw slab too is not significant enough because this slab is not used even in slums where people have television, fans, cooler, and heater.
Kejriwal said that had Sheila Ji been in the power, public would have suffered immensely but since it is the Kejriwal government, the people of Delhi has received huge relief through savings on electricity bills. But he forgot that his own government had hiked the fixed charges which led to high electricity bills.
Goel showed the electricity bills wherein the fixed charges had shot up by 30% in the three year period of 2016-2019. Earlier people were charged Rs 600/kw as the security deposit, but today Rs 900/kw is being charged i.e increase of 50 percent. Similarly, in the case of 5kw or more, people are paying the deposit of Rs 1200, while it was Rs 600 earlier.
The DERC has asked the people living in houses in 500 meters or above to provide a space for transformers if they need a new connection. Transformers are being set up inside houses.
Goel also said Rs 7000 crore that the Kejriwal government has collected by hiking fixed charges should be returned back to the people of Delhi. He blamed DERC for these irregularities and said that the DERC has become a puppet in the hands of the Kejriwal government. The DERC did not even appoint its two members.  

Goel said even after being in power for past four and a half years, CM Kejriwal is still to act upon on his electoral promises: He promised to set up Delhi’s own power station to solve power problems, especially to meet the peak power demand but the new station is nowhere in sight. Besides, the promises to revive Rajghat power plant, introducing competition among discoms and turning Delhi into the solar city, all remain unfulfilled.

पंजाब केसरी- पानी पर मुख्यमंत्री केजरीवाल को विजय गोयल ने दी खुली बहस की चुनौती

नई दिल्ली : भाजपा नेता एवं पूर्व प्रदेश अध्यक्ष भाजपा विजय गोयल ने कहा कि जिस प्रकार से पानी के मुद्दे पर आम आदमी पार्टी के नेता एवं दिल्ली के मुख्यमंत्री राजनीति कर रहे हैं, उसे हम किसी भी कीमत पर स्वीकार नहीं करेंगे। उनके साथ शामिल विधायक ओपी शर्मा और जल बोर्ड के सदस्य जय प्रकाश ने भी दिल्ली सरकार पर आरोप लगाए। दिल्ली के मुख्यमंत्री को यह जवाब तो देना ही पड़ेगा कि आज दिल्ली में पानी की विकट स्थिति क्यों बनी हुई है।
पानी की स्थिति पहले से बेहतर : राय
पलवार करते हुए आप के दिल्ली संयोजक गोपाल राय ने ट्वीट कर कहा कि विजय गोयल जी, पूरी दिल्ली को पता है कि दिल्ली में पानी की स्थिति पहले से बेहतर है, लोगों को पता है कि आप पानी-पानी की रट जनता के लिए नहीं, सीएम पद के लिए छिड़ी जंग है।
हर विस क्षेत्र में करेंगे प्रदर्शन : मनोज तिवारी
दिल्ली प्रदेश भाजपा ने केजरीवाल सरकार के खिलाफ अपना मोर्चा खोलते हुए सरकार को सच का आईना दिखाने की ठानी है। प्रदेश भाजपा अध्यक्ष मनोज तिवारी ने कहा कि दिल्ली के हर विधानसभा क्षेत्र में पानी की कमी को लेकर भाजपा कार्यकर्ता केजरीवाल सरकार के खिलाफ प्रदर्शन करेंगे।

नवभारत टाइम्स- मांगें पूरी नहीं हुईं तो आगे भी करेंगे डीजेबी अधिकारियों का घेराव : गोयल

विस, नई दिल्ली : दिल्ली जल बोर्ड के दफ्तर पर मंगलवार रात हुए हंगामे पर बुधवार को बीजेपी नेता विजय गोयल ने कहा कि अगर पानी की समस्या का हल नहीं किया गया तो आगे भी इसी तरह डीजेबी अधिकारियों का घेराव किया जाएगा।

डीजेबी दफ्तर में अधिकारियों को बंधक बनाने के बाद बुधवार को विजय गोयल ने कहा कि अगर पानी की समस्या का हल नहीं किया गया तो आगे भी अधिकारियों का घेराव किया जाएगा। उन्होंने कहा कि अगर डीजेबी पानी की व्यवस्था में सुधार नहीं कर सकती तो सीईओ को तुरंत बर्खास्त कर दिया जाना चाहिए। मंगलवार रात वरुणालय में विजय गोयल के बाद एमएलए ओम प्रकाश शर्मा, बीजेपी जनरल सेकेट्री रविंद्र गुप्ता, डीजेबी सदस्य जय प्रकाश और सैकड़ों बीजेपी समर्थक जुटे थे। विजय गोयल ने 6 मांग रखी हैं। इसमें गंदे पानी की समस्या के हल के लिए टास्क फोर्स का तुरंत प्रभाव से गठन, डीजेबी से जुड़ी पब्लिक शिकायतों को वेबसाइट पर अपलोड करना, जिन एरिया में पानी सप्लाई नहीं हो रही है या गंदा पानी आ रहा है, उनके बिलों को माफ करना, टैंकर माफियाओं के खिलाफ सख्त कदम, समर एक्शन प्लान लाना और झुग्गी झोपड़ी में पानी का कनेक्शन देना शामिल है। प्रदर्शन में एमपी रमेश बिधूड़ी और जनरल सेकेट्री आर पी सिंह शामिल रहे।

Business Standard- Vijay Goel challenges Kejriwal to open debate on ‘water crisis’ in Delhi

Claiming that Delhi is facing an acute water shortage, former Union minister Vijay Goel Thursday challenged Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal to an open debate on the issue.

Goel, who staged an overnight dharna at the Delhi Jal Board (DJB) office, slammed the board for "failing" to supply water to the people in the national capital.

Refuting charges of DJB vice chairman and AAP MLA Dinesh Mohaniya, who had alleged that BJP protesters vandalised the board headquarters on Tuesday night, he said, "The reality is half of Delhi is facing an acute water crisis and the Kejriwal government is sleeping. Mohaniya is lying while the truth is that DJB officials failed to come up with any reply on our complaint." 

Goel, Delhi BJP vice president and DJB member Jai Prakash, party MLA OP Sharma and several other BJP workers held a protest at the board office on Tuesday night.

"We were given a written assurance by the DJB CEO and a member of the board that the issues raised by us will be examined in detail and action will be taken accordingly. Mohaniya is lying because the DJB has failed in its duty to supply water, especially in unauthorised colonies," he said at a press conference here.

He also showed a video of the protest at the DJB office and presented samples of dirty water allegedly supplied by the board.

The BJP leader claimed that the people were falling sick as they were forced to consume such impure water.

However, AAP leaders, including Raghav Chadha and Mohaniya, had slammed the Delhi BJP of creating a drama over the issue in view of the assembly polls due early next year.

They said that 85 per cent of the city was receiving water while around 600 unauthorised colonies were provided piped water under the AAP government.

Meanwhile, Goel said that he will continue his protest against the "water shortage" in Delhi.

BJP MLA O P Sharma has asked Kejriwal to call a special session of the Delhi Assembly to find ways to address the water "crisis" in the city.


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My visions for Delhi stems from these inspiring words of Swami Vivekanada. I sincerely believe that Delhi has enough number of brave, bold men and women who can make it not only one of the best cities.

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